
wɪt I прил. Whit относящийся к празднику Троицы церк. II сущ. йота, капелька not a whit, no whitничуть, ни капельки Syn : iota (книжное) чуточка, йота - not a *, no *, never a * ни чуточки, ни капельки, ни на йоту - not a * of truth in the statement в заявлении нет ни капли истины - not a * better ничуть не лучше - I don't care a * мне совершенно безразлично - every * целиком и полностью - every * as good as this ничуть не хуже этого - he doesn't seem a * concerned он, видимо, совсем не беспокоится фюйть-фюйть (свист птицы) whit капелька, йота;
he is not a (или no) whit better ему ничуть не лучше

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "whit" в других словарях:

  • whit — whit·en; whit·en·er; whit·field s; whit·ish·ness; whit·leather; whit·ley; whit·ling; whit·lock·ite; whit·low; whit·man·ese; whit·man·esque; whit·ma·ni·ac; whit·mon·day; whit·rack; whit·ster; whit·sun·day; whit·sun·tide; whit·taw·er; whit·ten;… …   English syllables

  • Whit — Sunday (or Pentecost) is the seventh Sunday after Easter, and Whit Monday is the day following Whit Sunday. Whitsun and Whit are regularly used as informal shortenings of Whitsuntide, the weekend including Whit Sunday. Whit is related in form to… …   Modern English usage

  • Whit — Whit, n. [OE. wight, wiht, AS. wiht a creature, a thing. See {Wight}, and cf. {Aught}, {Naught}.] The smallest part or particle imaginable; a bit; a jot; an iota; generally used in an adverbial phrase in a negative sentence. Samuel told him every …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whit — a 16c word derived ultimately from an Old English form meaning ‘a thing or creature of unknown origin’, is commonly used in both BrE and AmE in the phrase not a whit or no whit (= not at all, by no means): • This much ballyhooed Andrew Lloyd… …   Modern English usage

  • whit — [wıt] n [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: wight creature, thing, bit (11 19 centuries), from Old English wiht] not a whit old fashioned not at all ▪ Sara had not changed a whit …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • whit — [ wıt, hwıt ] noun not a whit/not one whit OLD FASHIONED not at all …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • whit — ► NOUN ▪ a very small part or amount. ● not a whit Cf. ↑not a whit ORIGIN apparently from WIGHT(Cf. ↑W) in the obsolete sense «small amount» …   English terms dictionary

  • whit — smallest particle, 12c., in na whit no amount, from O.E. nan wiht, from wiht amount, originally person, human being (see WIGHT (Cf. wight)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • whit — [hwit, wit] n. [Early ModE respelling of wiht, a WIGHT1] the least bit; jot; iota: chiefly in negative constructions [not a whit the wiser] …   English World dictionary

  • whit´en|er — whit|en «HWY tuhn», transitive verb. to make white or whiter: »Sunshine helps to whiten clothes. –v.i. to become white or whiter: »She whitened when she heard the bad news. –whit´en|er, noun. Synonym Study transitive verb, intransitive verb.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • whit|en — «HWY tuhn», transitive verb. to make white or whiter: »Sunshine helps to whiten clothes. –v.i. to become white or whiter: »She whitened when she heard the bad news. –whit´en|er, noun. Synonym Study transitive verb, intransitive verb. Whiten,… …   Useful english dictionary

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