
1. нареч.;
1) откуда? (обыкн. from whence?) From whence is she? ≈ Откуда она (родом) ?
2) как?;
каким образом? по какой причине? whence it turns so? ≈ как это так выходит? Syn : wherefore
2. союз откуда (книжное) источник, происхождение;
место или причина возникновения - the book deals only with the what neglective the * в книге приводятся только факты без анализа их причин (книжное) из какого места, источника?, откуда? - * does he come? откуда /из каких мест/ он? (книжное) как?, каким образом?;
по какой причине? - * comes it that...? как это получается, что...? - * all this confusion? почему такое смятение? (книжное) откуда, из какого источника - tell me * you come скажите мне, откуда вы (книжное) как, каким образом;
по какой причине (книжное) (редкое) откуда, который - return * you came возвращайся туда, откуда ты пришел (книжное) в сочетаниях - from * откуда?;
на основании чего;
вследствие чего - do you know from * he comes? знаете ли вы, откуда он родом /откуда он приехал/? - from * I conclude that... на основании этого я заключаю, что... ~ adv inter. откуда? (обыкн. from whence?) ;
from whence is he? откуда он? ~ cj откуда;
go back whence you came возвращайтесь туда, откуда вы прибыли whence adv inter. как?;
каким образом?;
whence comes it that...? как это получается, что... ~ cj откуда;
go back whence you came возвращайтесь туда, откуда вы прибыли ~ adv inter. откуда? (обыкн. from whence?) ;
from whence is he? откуда он? whence adv inter. как?;
каким образом?;
whence comes it that...? как это получается, что...

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "whence" в других словарях:

  • Whence — Whence, adv. [OE. whennes, whens (with adverbial s, properly a genitive ending; see { wards}), also whenne, whanene, AS. hwanan, hwanon, hwonan, hwanone; akin to D. when. See {When}, and cf. {Hence}, {Thence}.] [1913 Webster] 1. From what place;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • whence — (also from whence) ► ADVERB formal or archaic 1) from what place or source? 2) from which; from where. 3) to the place from which. 4) as a consequence of which. USAGE Whence means ‘from what place’, as in who are you and whence come you? Strictly …   English terms dictionary

  • whence — [hwens, wens] adv. [ME whennes (< whenne, WHEN + adv. gen. s), replacing OE hwanan] from what place, source, or cause?; from where? [whence does he find his strength?] conj. 1. from what place, source, or cause [I know whence he comes] 2. from …   English World dictionary

  • whence — [ wens, hwens ] adverb, conjunction 1. ) LITERARY used for introducing the result of a fact that has just been stated: The work is slow and dangerous, whence the high costs. 2. ) an old or literary word meaning from where : He arrived at the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • whence — whence, whither Both words have centuries of history behind them and were once routine in their respective meanings ‘from which place’ and ‘to which place’, but in current use they are regarded as archaic or at least highly formal, although they… …   Modern English usage

  • whence — [wens] adv, pron [Date: 1200 1300; : Old English; Origin: whanon from which place ] old use from where ▪ I walked to Rainbagh, whence I could complete the journey by car. →↑whither …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • whence — c.1300, whennes, with adverbial genitive s, from O.E. hwanone, related to hwænne (see WHEN (Cf. when)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • whence|so|ev|er — «HWEHNS soh EHV uhr», conjunction, adverb. from whatever place, source, or cause …   Useful english dictionary

  • whence — [[t](h)we̱ns[/t]] PRON REL Whence means from where. [LITERARY or OLD FASHIONED] We looked down to the river whence we d climbed, and nobody complained of the effort as I had anticipated... He was educated at Quakers Yard Grammar School, whence he …   English dictionary

  • whence — /hwens, wens/ adv. 1. from what place?: Whence comest thou? 2. from what source, origin, or cause?: Whence has he wisdom? conj. 3. from what place, source, cause, etc.: He told whence he came. [1250 1300; ME whennes, whannes, equiv. to whanne (by …   Universalium

  • whence — [[t](h)wɛns, wɛns[/t]] adv. 1) from what place?: Whence comest thou?[/ex] 2) from what source, origin, or cause?: Whence has he wisdom?[/ex] 3) from what place, source, cause, etc.: He told whence he came[/ex] • Etymology: 1250–1300; ME whennes,… …   From formal English to slang

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