
ˈwi:lhɔ:s = wheeler
1) см. wheeler
1) wheel-horse = wheeler wheel-horse = wheeler wheeler: wheeler = wheelwright ~ коренник, коренная лошадь

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wheel-horse" в других словарях:

  • Wheel horse — Wheel Wheel (hw[=e]l), n. [OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hwe[ o]l, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hv[=e]l, Gr. ky klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hj[=o]l, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. [root]218. Cf. {Cycle}, {Cyclopedia}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A circular… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Wheel Horse — was a manufacturer of lawn and garden tractors. The business was started in the two car garage of Elmer Pond in 1946. He began building two wheel, self propelled Walk Away garden tractors that were sold under the Pond name. The framework was… …   Wikipedia

  • wheel horse — wheel′ horse or wheel′ horse n. 1) ahb. Also called wheeler a horse, or one of the horses, harnessed behind others and nearest the front wheels of a vehicle. 2) dial. Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. a reliable, diligent, and strong worker …   From formal English to slang

  • wheel horse — n. 1. the horse, or one of the horses, harnessed nearest the front wheels of a vehicle ☆ 2. a person who works especially hard and steadily in any enterprise …   English World dictionary

  • wheel horse — noun a draft horse harnessed behind others and nearest the wheels of a vehicle • Syn: ↑wheeler • Hypernyms: ↑draft horse, ↑draught horse, ↑dray horse * * * 1. Also called wheeler. a horse, or one of the horses, harnessed behind others and nearest …   Useful english dictionary

  • wheel horse — 1. Also called wheeler. a horse, or one of the horses, harnessed behind others and nearest the front wheels of a vehicle. 2. Chiefly South Atlantic States. the left hand horse of a pair hitched to a wagon or plow. 3. Chiefly South Midland and… …   Universalium

  • wheel-horse — n An important, visible, hard working member of an organization. Correy Publican was a wheel horse of the GOP before her arrest. 1930s …   Historical dictionary of American slang

  • wheel horse — person with good physical ability who can work very hard …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wheel-horse — n. Wheeler …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • wheel-horse — /ˈwil hɔs/ (say weel haws) noun 1. → wheeler (def. 3). 2. US Colloquial → workhorse (def. 2) …  

  • Wheel — (hw[=e]l), n. [OE. wheel, hweol, AS. hwe[ o]l, hweogul, hweowol; akin to D. wiel, Icel. hv[=e]l, Gr. ky klos, Skr. cakra; cf. Icel. hj[=o]l, Dan. hiul, Sw. hjul. [root]218. Cf. {Cycle}, {Cyclopedia}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A circular frame turning… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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