Смотреть что такое "wheel-head" в других словарях:
Wheel speed sensor — [ head unit.] Wheel speed sensors or vehicle speed sensors (VSS) are sender devices used for reading the speed of the vehicle s wheel rotation. It usually consists of a toothed ring and pickup. Special purpose speed sensors Rotary speed sensors… … Wikipedia
wheel bug — wheel′ bug n. ent an assassin bug, Arilus cristatus, that has a rounded sawtoothed crest behind the head and is a bloodsucker of insects • Etymology: 1805–15, amer … From formal English to slang
head|race — «HEHD RAYS», noun. the race, flume, or channel that brings water to a mill wheel … Useful english dictionary
Wheel of Time locations — A map of the Lands between the Mountains of Dhoom, the Aryth Ocean, the Sea of Storms and the Spine of the World. This article is about countries, cities, towns, and other important locations in Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction… … Wikipedia
Wheel of Fortune (US daytime game show) — infobox television show name = Wheel of Fortune caption = Wheel of Fortune title card, c. 1985 format = Game show rating = runtime = 30 minutes creator = Merv Griffin starring = Chuck Woolery, host (1975 ndash;1981) Susan Stafford, co host (1975… … Wikipedia
Wheel sizing — The wheel size for a motor vehicle or similar wheel has a number of parameters. Contents 1 Bolt pattern 2 Bolt circle 2.1 Determining the bolt circle 3 Lug n … Wikipedia
Wheel bug — Taxobox | name = Wheel bug image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Arthropoda classis = Insecta ordo = Hemiptera familia = Reduviidae genus = Arilus species = A. cristatus binomial = Arilus cristatus binomial authority = (Linnaeus,… … Wikipedia
Head Tracking (Vidéo) — Wiimote La Wiimote, avec sa dragonne. La Wiimote parfois appelée « Télécommande Wii » est le nom du contrôleur de la Wii de Nintendo. Il s agit d une manette rectangulaire généralement tenue à une main, mais il est également possible de … Wikipédia en Français
Wheel alignment — A wheel alignment is part of standard automobile maintenance that consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the car maker s specification. The purpose of these adjustments is maximum tire life and vehicle travel that… … Wikipedia
Head tube — In vehicle frames, most commonly of a bicycle or motorcycle [cite web url = http://www.chopper kit.co.uk/ame chopper kit installation.htm title = Chopper kit installation Guide accessdate = 2007 04 11] , the head tube is the outer tube within… … Wikipedia
head — n 1. skull, cranium, cephalon, brainpan, poll, pate, Inf. sconce, Archaic. mazard, Archaic. costard; All Inf. upstairs, upper story, belfry, noggin, dome; All Sl. bean, nut, nob, noodle, noddle, crumpet, gourd, conk. 2. intellect, mind,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder