wash out

wash out

1) смывать(ся) тж. перен. It seems that I can't wash out that ink that got onto the tablecloth. ≈ Кажется, я не могу отмыть чернила, пролитые на скатерть
2) бросить, махнуть рукой на что-л.
3) размывать Heavy rain washed out three important roads overnight. ≈ Прошлой ночью сильный дождь размыл три важнейшие дороги.
4) обыкн. прич. прош. вр. лишать сил, изматывать
5) полинять
6) быть или чувствовать себя изможденным;
быть бледным, чувствовать утомление You seem all washed out, what's the matter? ≈ Вы выглядите усталыми, что случилось?
7) провалить(ся) , засыпать(ся) (на экзамене)
8) признать непригодным (к военной службе, полету и т. п.) How many pilots in training were washed out in the last examination? ≈ Скольких пилотов признали непригодными к летной работе?

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "wash out" в других словарях:

  • wash out — {v. phr.} To disappear; vanish. * /Do you think this stain will wash out?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wash out — {v. phr.} To disappear; vanish. * /Do you think this stain will wash out?/ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • wash-out — washˈ in or washˈ out noun An increase (or decrease) in the angle of incidence, ie the angle between the chord of a wing and the wind relative to the aeroplane, in approaching the wing tip along the camber • • • Main Entry: ↑wash washˈ out or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Wash out — „Wash out“ beschreibt die Auswaschung von Staub und Aerosolen aus der Erdatmosphäre mit Hilfe des Niederschlags. Staubpartikel sowie einige Aerosole können in der Luft als Kondensationskerne für Wasserdampf dienen. Mit dem Niederschlag gelangen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Wash out — Wash out, v. i. & t. 1. to be removed by washing; of spots and stains, especially on clothing. [PJC] 2. to be removed, broken, or destroyed by the action of flowing water; as, the bridge was washed out by the flood. [PJC] 3. to fail in a course… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wash out — (something) to cause an activity or event not to happen because of rain. Even the golf tournament was washed out this week. Storms washed the picnic out …   New idioms dictionary

  • wash out of — wash out (of (something)) to leave a program or activity because you failed to meet its standards. I didn t make it through flight school I washed out. After washing out of the military academy, he joined his father s business …   New idioms dictionary

  • wash out — (of (something)) to leave a program or activity because you failed to meet its standards. I didn t make it through flight school I washed out. After washing out of the military academy, he joined his father s business …   New idioms dictionary

  • wash|out — «WOSH OWT, WSH », noun. 1. the act or action of washing away earth, gravel, a road, bridge, or other structure, by water, as from very heavy rains or a flooding stream. 2. the hole, cavity, or break made by this. 3. Informal, Figurative. a person …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash out — verb 1. prevent or interrupt due to rain (Freq. 1) The storm had washed out the game • Syn: ↑rain out • Hypernyms: ↑prevent, ↑keep • Verb Frames …   Useful english dictionary

  • wash out — phrasal verb Word forms wash out : present tense I/you/we/they wash out he/she/it washes out present participle washing out past tense washed out past participle washed out 1) [transitive] to wash something quickly, especially the inside of a… …   English dictionary

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