Смотреть что такое "vacuum-tight" в других словарях:
Vacuum flange — Conflat redirects here. For other uses, see Conflat (disambiguation). A KF 25 tee, o ring, and clamp. A vacuum flange is a flange at the end of a tube used to connect vacuum chambers, tubing and vacuum pumps to each other. Contents … Wikipedia
Vacuum sewer — Vacuum sewers were first installed in Europe in 1882 but until the last 30 years it had been relegated to a niche market. The first who has applied the negative pressure drainage (so called vacuum sewerage) was the Dutch engineer Liernur in the… … Wikipedia
Vacuum casting — is a means of casting small metal parts or jewelry that have fine detail or for casting various plastic materials. A porous or vented mold is used and is placed on a table or container where vacuum is applied. The liquid to be cast will be driven … Wikipedia
Vacuum brake — The vacuum brake is a braking system used on trains. It was first introduced in the mid 1860s and a variant, the automatic vacuum brake system became almost universal in British train equipment, and in those countries influenced by British… … Wikipedia
Vacuum distillation — At atmospheric pressure, dimethyl sulfoxide boils at 189°C. Under a vacuum, it distills off into the connected receiver at only 70°C. Vacuum distillation is a method of distillation whereby the pressure above the liquid mixture to be distilled is … Wikipedia
Vacuum exercise — The vacuum exercise is an exercise which involves contracting some internal abdominal muscles, primarily the Transversus abdominis muscle, and not as much the diaphragm, the six pack muscles or abs which are trained through crunches, leg raises,… … Wikipedia
vacuum coffee maker — noun : a coffee maker consisting of an upper bowl that holds ground coffee and a filtering device and is fitted by a tight seal into a lower bowl that holds water which on boiling rises into the upper bowl from which it is drawn through the… … Useful english dictionary
Power vacuum — A power vacuum is an expression for a political situation that can occur when a government has no identifiable central authority. The metaphor implies that, like a physical vacuum, other forces will tend to rush in to fill the vacuum as soon as… … Wikipedia
Glass-to-metal seal — Glass to metal seals are a very important element of the construction of vacuum tubes, electric discharge tubes, incandescent light bulbs, glass encapsulated semiconductor diodes, reed switches, pressure tight glass windows in metal cases, and… … Wikipedia
Cryogenic seal — Cryogenic seals provide a mechanical containment mechanism for materials held at cryogenic temperatures, such as cryogenic fluids. Various techniques, including soldering and welding are available for creating seals, however specialized materials … Wikipedia
Manhattan Project — This article is about the atomic bomb project. For other uses, see Manhattan Project (disambiguation). Manhattan District The Manhattan Project created the first nuclear bombs. The Trinity test … Wikipedia