Смотреть что такое "vacuum-suction" в других словарях:
Vacuum suction plate — Вакуумная [присасывающая] плита … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
vacuum suction casting — Смотри литье вакуумным всасыванием … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
vacuum suction cup — A hand tool for pulling out shallow body dents and for lifting flat, heavy objects such as windshields or sheet metal … Dictionary of automotive terms
suction cup — See vacuum suction cup … Dictionary of automotive terms
suction cup dent puller — See vacuum suction cup … Dictionary of automotive terms
Suction — is the flow of a fluid into a partial vacuum, or region of low pressure. The pressure gradient between this region and the ambient pressure will propel matter toward the low pressure area. Suction is popularly thought of as an attractive effect,… … Wikipedia
Vacuum aspiration — Background Abortion type Surgical First use China 1958 and UK 1967[1] Gestation 3 12 weeks Usage … Wikipedia
suction — [suk′shən] n. [L suctio < suctus, pp. of sugere, to SUCK] 1. the act or process of sucking 2. the production of a vacuum or partial vacuum in a cavity or over a surface so that the external atmospheric pressure forces the surrounding fluid,… … English World dictionary
Vacuum engineering — deals with technological processes and equipment that use vacuum to achieve better results than those run under atmospheric pressure. The most widespread applications of vacuum technology are: * Pyrolytic Chromium Carbide Coating * Antireflecting … Wikipedia
vacuum — [vak′yo͞om, vak′yo͞o əm] n. pl. vacuums or vacua [vak′yo͞o ə] [L, neut. sing. of vacuus, empty] 1. a space with nothing at all in it; completely empty space 2. a) an enclosed space, as that inside a vacuum tube, out of which most of the air or… … English World dictionary
Suction filtration — is a method of filtration which allows for a greater rate of filtration. Whereas in normal filtration gravity provides the force which draws the liquid through the filter paper, in suction filtration a pressure gradient performs this function.… … Wikipedia