unital representation

unital representation
мат. унитальное представление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "unital representation" в других словарях:

  • Gelfand representation — In mathematics, the Gelfand representation in functional analysis (named after I. M. Gelfand) has two related meanings:* a way of representing commutative Banach algebras as algebras of continuous functions; * the fact that for commutative C*… …   Wikipedia

  • Algebra representation — In abstract algebra, a representation of an associative algebra is a module for that algebra. Here an associative algebra is a (not necessarily unital) ring. If the algebra is not unital, it may be made so in a standard way (see the adjoint… …   Wikipedia

  • Trivial representation — In the mathematical field of representation theory, a trivial representation is a representation ( V , phi; ) of a group G on which all elements of G act as the identity mapping of V . A trivial representation of an associative or Lie algebra is… …   Wikipedia

  • Lie algebra representation — Lie groups …   Wikipedia

  • Banach algebra — In mathematics, especially functional analysis, a Banach algebra, named after Stefan Banach, is an associative algebra A over the real or complex numbers which at the same time is also a Banach space. The algebra multiplication and the Banach… …   Wikipedia

  • Universal enveloping algebra — In mathematics, for any Lie algebra L one can construct its universal enveloping algebra U ( L ). This construction passes from the non associative structure L to a (more familiar, and possibly easier to handle) unital associative algebra which… …   Wikipedia

  • Stinespring factorization theorem — In mathematics, Stinespring s dilation theorem, also called Stinespring s factorization theorem, is a result from operator theory that represents any completely positive map on a C* algebra as a composition of two completely positive maps each of …   Wikipedia

  • Associative algebra — In mathematics, an associative algebra is a vector space (or more generally, a module) which also allows the multiplication of vectors in a distributive and associative manner. They are thus special algebras. Definition An associative algebra A… …   Wikipedia

  • Frobenius algebra — In mathematics, especially in the fields of representation theory and module theory, a Frobenius algebra is a finite dimensional unital associative algebra with a special kind of bilinear form which gives the algebras particularly nice duality… …   Wikipedia

  • Coalgebra — In mathematics, coalgebras or cogebras are structures that are dual (in the sense of reversing arrows) to unital associative algebras. The axioms of unital associative algebras can be formulated in terms of commutative diagrams. Turning all… …   Wikipedia

  • Von Neumann algebra — In mathematics, a von Neumann algebra or W* algebra is a * algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology and contains the identity operator. They were originally introduced by John von Neumann,… …   Wikipedia

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