undecidable formula

undecidable formula
мат. неразрешимая формула

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "undecidable formula" в других словарях:

  • Undecidable — has more than one meaning:;In mathematical logic: * A decision problem is called (recursively) undecidable if no algorithm can decide it, such as for Turing s halting problem; see also under Decidable and Undecidable problem. * Undecidable is… …   Wikipedia

  • On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems — This article describes the publication details of a famous paper in mathematical logic. For information about the theorems proved in this paper, see Gödel s incompleteness theorems. Über formal unentscheidbare Sätze der Principia Mathematica und… …   Wikipedia

  • Sahlqvist formula — In modal logic, Sahlqvist formulae are a certain kind of modal formula with remarkable properties. The Sahlqvist correspondence theorem states that everySahlqvist formula is canonical,and corresponds to a first order definable class of Kripke… …   Wikipedia

  • Gödel's incompleteness theorems — In mathematical logic, Gödel s incompleteness theorems, proved by Kurt Gödel in 1931, are two theorems stating inherent limitations of all but the most trivial formal systems for arithmetic of mathematical interest. The theorems are of… …   Wikipedia

  • Decidability (logic) — In logic, the term decidable refers to the decision problem, the question of the existence of an effective method for determining membership in a set of formulas. Logical systems such as propositional logic are decidable if membership in their… …   Wikipedia

  • Turing's proof — First published in January 1937 with the title On Computable Numbers, With an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem , Turing s proof was the second proof of the assertion (Alonzo Church proof was first) that some questions are undecidable :… …   Wikipedia

  • Proof of impossibility — A proof of impossibility, sometimes called a negative proof or negative result , is a proof demonstrating that a particular problem cannot be solved, or cannot be solved in general. Often proofs of impossibility have put to rest decades or… …   Wikipedia

  • Turing machine — For the test of artificial intelligence, see Turing test. For the instrumental rock band, see Turing Machine (band). Turing machine(s) Machina Universal Turing machine Alternating Turing machine Quantum Turing machine Read only Turing machine… …   Wikipedia

  • Computability theory — For the concept of computability, see Computability. Computability theory, also called recursion theory, is a branch of mathematical logic that originated in the 1930s with the study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has grown …   Wikipedia

  • formal logic — the branch of logic concerned exclusively with the principles of deductive reasoning and with the form rather than the content of propositions. [1855 60] * * * Introduction       the abstract study of propositions, statements, or assertively used …   Universalium

  • Brouwer-Hilbert controversy — A foundational controversy in twentieth century history of mathematics opposed L. E. J. Brouwer, a supporter of intuitionism, and David Hilbert, the founder of formalism.BackgroundThe background for the controversy was set with David Hilbert s… …   Wikipedia

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