two-parameter metric

two-parameter metric
мат. двухпараметрическая метрика

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "two-parameter metric" в других словарях:

  • Glossary of Riemannian and metric geometry — This is a glossary of some terms used in Riemannian geometry and metric geometry mdash; it doesn t cover the terminology of differential topology. The following articles may also be useful. These either contain specialised vocabulary or provide… …   Wikipedia

  • Kerr metric — In general relativity, the Kerr metric (or Kerr vacuum) describes the geometry of spacetime around a rotating massive body. According to this metric, such rotating bodies should exhibit frame dragging, an unusual prediction of general relativity; …   Wikipedia

  • de Sitter–Schwarzschild metric — In general relativity, the de Sitter–Schwarzschild solution describes a black hole in a causal patch of de Sitter space. Unlike a flat space black hole, there is a largest possible de Sitter black hole, which is the Nariai spacetime. The Nariai… …   Wikipedia

  • General relativity — For a generally accessible and less technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to general relativity. General relativity Introduction Mathematical formulation Resources …   Wikipedia

  • Item response theory — In psychometrics, item response theory (IRT) is a body of theory describing the application of mathematical models to data from questionnaires and tests as a basis for measuring abilities, attitudes, or other variables. It is used for statistical …   Wikipedia

  • Mutual information — Individual (H(X),H(Y)), joint (H(X,Y)), and conditional entropies for a pair of correlated subsystems X,Y with mutual information I(X; Y). In probability theory and information theory, the mutual information (sometimes known by the archaic term… …   Wikipedia

  • Pp-wave spacetime — In general relativity, the pp wave spacetimes, or pp waves for short, are an important family of exact solutions of Einstein s field equation. These solutions model radiation moving at the speed of light. This radiation may consist of:*… …   Wikipedia

  • BKL singularity — A BKL (Belinsky Khalatnikov Lifshitz) singularityHarvnb|Belinsky|Khalatnikov|Lifshitz|1970] is a model of the dynamic evolution of the Universe near the initial singularity, described by a non symmetric, chaotic, vacuum solution to Einstein s… …   Wikipedia

  • World line — In physics, the world line of an object is the unique path of that object as it travels through 4 dimensional spacetime.The concept of world line is distinguished from the concept of orbit or trajectory (such as an orbit in space or a trajectory… …   Wikipedia

  • Ganglia — Страница статистики серверов …   Википедия

  • Friedmann equations — Physical cosmology Universe · Big Bang …   Wikipedia

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