trigger finger

trigger finger
указательный палец указательный палец правой руки > to have an itchy * быть готовым стрелять по первому поводу;
хвататься за пистолет по любому поводу

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trigger finger" в других словарях:

  • trigger finger — n an abnormal condition in which flexion or extension of a finger may be momentarily obstructed by spasm followed by a snapping into place * * * an impairment in the ability to extend a finger, resulting either from a nodular thickening in the… …   Medical dictionary

  • trigger finger — n. the finger used to press the trigger of a firearm; specif., the forefinger …   English World dictionary

  • Trigger finger — For the Belgian band, see Triggerfinger. Trigger finger can also mean the finger which is used to operate the trigger of a gun or of a power tool. Trigger finger Classification and external resources ICD 10 M65.3 …   Wikipedia

  • trigger finger — /ˈtrɪgə fɪŋgə/ (say triguh fingguh) noun 1. the finger by which the trigger of a gun is pulled. 2. Medicine a finger, one of the joints of which jerks suddenly when an attempt is made to bend it gradually. –phrase 3. have an itchy trigger finger …  

  • trigger finger — 1. any finger, usually the forefinger, that presses the trigger of a gun. 2. either forefinger, depending on which hand is dominant. 3. Pathol. difficulty in straightening or bending a ring finger, caused by inflammation and thickening of its… …   Universalium

  • trigger finger — noun 1. : a finger used in pressing the trigger of a firearm; also : the forefinger of the dominant hand 2. : a finger in which flexion or extension may be momentarily obstructed by spasm followed by a snapping into place …   Useful english dictionary

  • trigger finger — noun a) a finger used in pulling the trigger of a firearm b) the forefinger …   Wiktionary

  • trigger finger — noun 1》 the forefinger of the right hand, used to pull the trigger of a gun. 2》 Medicine a swelling in a tendon causing a finger to jerk or snap straight when the hand is extended …   English new terms dictionary

  • trigger finger — trig′ger fin ger n. any finger, usu. the forefinger, that presses the trigger of a gun • Etymology: 1820–30 …   From formal English to slang

  • trigger finger — an impairment in the ability to extend a finger, resulting either from a nodular thickening in the flexor tendon or a narrowing of the flexor tendon sheath. On unclenching the fist, the affected finger (usually the third or fourth) at first… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • itchy trigger finger — noun a tendency to act in haste or without consideration Given any remote chance to gun down an effective spokesman for conservative economics as a secret fascist and torturer, even Nobel laureates can, we see, succumb to an itchy trigger finger …   Wiktionary

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