transliterate into

transliterate into
транслитерировать, передавать буквами другого алфавита

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "transliterate into" в других словарях:

  • transliterate — means ‘to replace the letters or characters of a word with the corresponding letters in another alphabet’. Words may be transliterated into the Roman alphabet from their originals in Greek, Chinese, Japanese, and so on. The result is a… …   Modern English usage

  • transliterate — v. 1) (D; tr.) to transliterate as (to transliterate a Russian letter as ch) 2) (D; tr.) to transliterate from; into (to transliterate a text from Cyrillic into Roman letters) * * * [trænz lɪtəreɪt] into (to transliterate a text from Cyrillic… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • transliterate — transliteration, n. transliterator, n. /trans lit euh rayt , tranz /, v.t., transliterated, transliterating. to change (letters, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language: to transliterate the Greek X as ch. [1860 …   Universalium

  • transliterate — /trænzˈlɪtəreɪt / (say tranz lituhrayt) verb (t) (transliterated, transliterating) to change (letters, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language: to transliterate the Greek Χ as ch. {trans + Latin līterātus… …  

  • transliterate — trans•lit•er•ate [[t]trænsˈlɪt əˌreɪt, trænz [/t]] v. t. at•ed, at•ing to change (letters, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language • Etymology: 1860–65; trans + L līter(a) letter+ ate I trans•lit er•a′tion, n.… …   From formal English to slang

  • Transliteration into Chinese characters — Transliteration is known as yinyi (zh ts|t=音譯|s=音译) in Chinese. While it is not uncommon to see foreign names left as they are in their original forms (for example, in Latin alphabet) in a Chinese text, it is a common practice to transliterate… …   Wikipedia

  • turn into — Synonyms and related words: English, alter, alter into, ameliorate, assimilate to, be changed, be converted into, be renewed, become, bottom out, break, bring to, change, change into, change over, checker, chop, chop and change, come about, come… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Hebraization of English — The Hebraization [ [ Random House Unabridged Dictionary: Hebraize] ] of English (or Hebraicization [ [ Random House Unabridged Dictionary:… …   Wikipedia

  • Latinize — [lat′ n īz΄] vt. Latinized, Latinizing [LL latinizare, to translate into Latin < L Latinus, LATIN] 1. Archaic to translate into Latin 2. to give Latin form or characteristics to 3. to transliterate into the Latin alphabet; Romanize 4. to bring …   English World dictionary

  • Revised Romanization of Korean — The Revised Romanization of Korean is the official Korean language romanization system in South Korea. It is the official South Korean replacement for the 1984 McCune Reischauer–based romanization system. The new system is similar to the older… …   Wikipedia

  • YU — or Yu may stand for:;Places *Chongqing (渝), the abbreviation for the Chinese municipality *Henan (豫), the abbreviation for the Chinese province *Yugoslavia, especially, **Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (old ISO country code) *Yu, a… …   Wikipedia

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