
trænzˈlɪtəreɪt сущ. транслитерировать, передавать буквами другого алфавита transliterate into транслитерировать, передавать буквами другого алфавита - the key Greek words are *d ключевые греческие слова транслитерированы - to * Sanskrit words with roman letters транслитерировать санскритские слова латинскими буквами переводить, перетолковывать transliterate транслитерировать, передавать буквами другого алфавита

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "transliterate" в других словарях:

  • Transliterate — Trans*lit er*ate, v. t. [Pref. trans + L. litera, littera letter.] To express or represent in the characters of another alphabet; as, to transliterate Sanskrit words by means of English letters. A. J. Ellis. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • transliterate — (v.) to write a word in the characters of another alphabet, 1861, apparently coined by German philologist Max Müller (1823 1900), from trans across (see TRANS (Cf. trans )) + L. littera (also litera) letter, character (see LETTER (Cf. letter)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • transliterate — means ‘to replace the letters or characters of a word with the corresponding letters in another alphabet’. Words may be transliterated into the Roman alphabet from their originals in Greek, Chinese, Japanese, and so on. The result is a… …   Modern English usage

  • transliterate — ► VERB ▪ write or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or language. DERIVATIVES transliteration noun. ORIGIN from TRANS (Cf. ↑trans ) + Latin littera letter …   English terms dictionary

  • transliterate — [trans lit′ər āt΄, tranzlit′ər āt΄] vt. transliterated, transliterating [< TRANS + L litera, littera, LETTER1 + ATE1] to write or spell (words, letters, etc.) in corresponding characters of another alphabet …   English World dictionary

  • transliterate — v. 1) (D; tr.) to transliterate as (to transliterate a Russian letter as ch) 2) (D; tr.) to transliterate from; into (to transliterate a text from Cyrillic into Roman letters) * * * [trænz lɪtəreɪt] into (to transliterate a text from Cyrillic… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • transliterate — I UK [trænzˈlɪt(ə)rət] / US adjective able to read, write and communicate in a variety of ways, using printed material, electronic documents, the Internet, mobile phone texting, etc. II UK [trænsˈlɪtəreɪt] / US [trænsˈlɪtəˌreɪt] verb [transitive] …   English dictionary

  • transliterate — transliteration, n. transliterator, n. /trans lit euh rayt , tranz /, v.t., transliterated, transliterating. to change (letters, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language: to transliterate the Greek X as ch. [1860 …   Universalium

  • transliterate — /trænzˈlɪtəreɪt / (say tranz lituhrayt) verb (t) (transliterated, transliterating) to change (letters, words, etc.) into corresponding characters of another alphabet or language: to transliterate the Greek Χ as ch. {trans + Latin līterātus… …  

  • transliterate — transitive verb ( ated; ating) Etymology: trans + Latin littera letter Date: 1861 to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet • transliteration noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • transliterate — to change the letters of one alphabet to the letters of another (still requires translation between languages). Applies where scientific names are formed from words not in Latin and have to be transliterated as all scientific names must be in… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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