trail away

trail away
замирать (о звуке) - the sound of the train whistle trailed off into the distance паровозный свисток замер вдали - her voice trailed off in confusion она смешалась и умолкла сходить на нет - the discussion trailed off into futilities обсуждение ни к чему не привело, обсуждение закончилось впустую

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trail away" в других словарях:

  • trail away — ● trail * * * ˌtrail a ˈway ˌtrail ˈoff [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they trail away he/she/it trails away …   Useful english dictionary

  • trail away — phrasal verb trail away or trail off [intransitive] Word forms trail away : present tense I/you/we/they trail away he/she/it trails away present participle trailing away past tense trailed away past participle trailed away if someone s voice or… …   English dictionary

  • trail away — phr verb Trail away is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑voice, ↑word …   Collocations dictionary

  • trail away/off — [phrasal verb] used to say that someone s voice becomes softer and softer and then stops She started asking him a question, but then her voice trailed off. “Do you think you could…” she said before trailing off. • • • Main Entry: ↑trail …   Useful english dictionary

  • trail away — see trail off …   English dictionary

  • trail off — ˌtrail a ˈway ˌtrail ˈoff [intransitive] [present tense I/you/we/they trail away he/she/it trails away pr …   Useful english dictionary

  • trail — ► NOUN 1) a mark or a series of signs left behind by the passage of someone or something. 2) a track or scent used in following someone or hunting an animal. 3) a long thin part stretching behind or hanging down from something. 4) a beaten path… …   English terms dictionary

  • trail off — phrasal verb trail away or trail off [intransitive] Word forms trail away : present tense I/you/we/they trail away he/she/it trails away present participle trailing away past tense trailed away past participle trailed away if someone s voice or… …   English dictionary

  • trail — trail1 [treıl] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(pull)¦ 2¦(walk slowly)¦ 3¦(lose a competition)¦ 4¦(follow somebody)¦ Phrasal verbs  trail away/off ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: trailler to pull after you, tow , from Vulgar Latin tragulare, from… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • trail — 1 verb 1 (intransitive, transitive always + adv/prep) if something trails behind you, or if you trail it behind you, it gets pulled behind you as you move along (+ across/in/through): She walked slowly along the path, her skirt trailing in the… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • trail — trail1 [ treıl ] noun count ** ▸ 1 path in countryside ▸ 2 series of marks/objects ▸ 3 damage/harm ▸ 4 connected evidence ▸ 5 series of activities ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) a path through the countryside, especially one designed for walking for pleasure:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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