trail arms

trail arms
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "trail arms" в других словарях:

  • trail arms — noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: from the imperative phrase trail arms : a position in military drill in which a rifle butt is raised a few inches from the ground and the muzzle inclined forward so that the barrel makes an… …   Useful english dictionary

  • trail arms Military — let a rifle hang in such a way. → trail …   English new terms dictionary

  • trail — n. & v. n. 1 a a track left by a thing, person, etc., moving over a surface (left a trail of wreckage; a slug s slimy trail). b a track or scent followed in hunting, seeking, etc. (he s on the trail). 2 a beaten path or track, esp. through a wild …   Useful english dictionary

  • trail — trailingly, adv. trailless, adj. /trayl/, v.t. 1. to drag or let drag along the ground or other surface; draw or drag along behind. 2. to bring or have floating after itself or oneself: a racing car trailing clouds of dust. 3. to follow the track …   Universalium

  • arms — n. weapons 1) to bear; take up arms 2) to call to arms 3) (mil.) inspection; left shoulder; order; port; present; right shoulder; trail arms! 4) to lay down one s arms 5) small arms 6) under arms ( armed ) misc. 7) up in arms ( stirred up ) * * * …   Combinatory dictionary

  • trail — noun 1》 a mark or a series of signs or objects left behind by the passage of someone or something.     ↘a track or scent used in following someone or hunting an animal. 2》 a long thin part stretching behind or hanging down from something. 3》 a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Arms-to-Iraq — The Arms to Iraq affair concerned the uncovering of the government endorsed sale of arms by British companies to Iraq, then under the rule of Saddam Hussein. The scandal contributed to the growing dissatisfaction with the Conservative government… …   Wikipedia

  • Coat of arms of Windsor, Ontario — The coat of arms of Windsor, Ontario, is a coat of arms that symbolizes the city’s past, present, and its culture. The two lions represent royalty and allegiance to The Crown; the deer represents the richness in wildlife in the area. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Ho Chi Minh trail — Infobox Military Structure name=Ho Chi Minh Trail location=Southeastern Laos caption= The Ho Chi Minh Trail, 1967 type=Logistical system built=1959 1975 in use=1959 1975 controlledby=People s Army of Vietnam garrison=5,000 60,000 commanders=Vo… …   Wikipedia

  • Monsal Trail — Viewed from Monsal Head, the Monsal Trail passes over Headstone Viaduct, and then on towards Millers Dale …   Wikipedia

  • Taff Trail — The Taff Trail is a popular walking and cycle path that runs for convert|55|mi between Cardiff Bay and Brecon in Wales. It is so named because it follows the course of the River Taff. Along much of its length, it follows National Cycle Network… …   Wikipedia

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