throw away

throw away

1) выбрасывать, выкидывать
2) выбрасывать, отбрасывать;
отказываться to throw away an offerотклонить предложение
3) пропустить, не воспользоваться to throw away an advantageупустить возможность
4) тратить, растрачивать to throw away moneyтратить деньги впустую
5) карт. сбрасывать to throw away a card ≈ сбросить карту выбрасывать, выкидывать - to * food выбрасывать пищу выбрасывать, отбрасывать;
отказываться - to * a troublesome thought отбросить тревожную мысль - to * an offer отклонить предложение пропустить, не воспользоваться - to * an advantage упустить возможность - my advice was thrown away upon him он пропустил мой совет мимо ушей тратить, растрачивать - to * money тратить деньги впустую - a kind act is never thrown away добрые дела вознаграждаются /никогда не пропадают втуне/ - to * one's life впустую /напрасно/ принести в жертву свою жизнь;
погибнуть ни за понюшку табаку - to throw oneself away (on smb.) загубить свою жизнь (с кем-л.) ;
неудачно выйти замуж за (кого-л.) (карточное) сбрасывать - to * a card сбросить карту

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "throw away" в других словарях:

  • throw away — (v.) late 14c., to reject, cast from oneself, from THROW (Cf. throw) (v.) + AWAY (Cf. away). More literal meaning of dispose of as useless, release from one s possession as unneeded is first recorded 1520s. Throw away (adj.) is first recorded… …   Etymology dictionary

  • throw away — (something) to fail to use an opportunity. Milton threw away his chance of promotion by being late almost every day. It s a chance to audition for the Metropolitan Opera don t throw it away. Etymology: based on the literal meaning of throw away… …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw away — [v1] dispose of abandon, cast, cast off, chase, clear, discard, dismiss, dispense with, ditch*, drop*, dump*, eject, eliminate, evict, extrude, free oneself of, get rid of, jettison, junk*, lose, refuse, reject, rid oneself of, scrap*, shake off* …   New thesaurus

  • throw away — ► throw away 1) discard as useless or unwanted. 2) waste or fail to make use of (an opportunity or advantage). Main Entry: ↑throw …   English terms dictionary

  • throw away — hrow away v. t. 1. to discard. [PJC] 2. to waste or squander. [PJC] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • throw away — index abandon (relinquish), dislodge, dispel, jettison, relinquish Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • throw away — verb 1. throw or cast away (Freq. 5) Put away your worries • Syn: ↑discard, ↑fling, ↑toss, ↑toss out, ↑toss away, ↑chuck out, ↑cast aside …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw away — or throw out 1) PHRASAL VERB When you throw away or throw out something that you do not want, you get rid of it, for example by putting it in a rubbish container. [V n P] I never throw anything away... [V P n (not pron)] I m not advising you to… …   English dictionary

  • throw away — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms throw away : present tense I/you/we/they throw away he/she/it throws away present participle throwing away past tense threw away past participle thrown away 1) throw away or throw out to get rid of something… …   English dictionary

  • throw away — v. (D; tr.) ( to squander ) to throw away on (to throw away one s money on gambling) * * * [ θrəʊə weɪ] (D; tr.) ( to squander ) to throw away on (to throw away one s money on gambling) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • throw-away — 1. n. a flyer or handbill. □ The hrow away announced a big, city wide TGIF. □ I passed out the throw aways, but not many people would take them. 2. n. a comedian’s quickly uttered one line joke. □ He tossed off his best throw away of the eveni …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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