
1. сущ. жажда to experience thirst ≈ испытывать жажду to quench, slake one's thirst ≈ утолять жажду excessive thirst ≈ усиленная жажда unquenchable thirst ≈ неутолимая жажда unquenched thirst ≈ неутоленная жажда Syn : craving
2. гл.
1) хотеть пить
2) жаждать (for, библ. after - чего-л.) жажда - to satisfy one's * утолить жажду - to suffer from * страдать от жажды - to die of * умереть от жажды - to have a * (разговорное) хотеть выпить томление;
тоска - * for /after, of/ knowledge жажда знаний - * for pleasure погоня за удовольствиями - the * to do smth. неукротимое желание сделать что-л. безводное пространство;
пустыня испытывать жажду, хотеть пить - to * for a drink хотеть выпить жаждать;
томиться желанием - to * after smb.'s blood жаждать чьей-л. крови - to * for /after/ knowledge жаждать знаний - to * for information жадно искать информацию;
изголодаться /погибать/ без информации - to * for power жаждать власти - to * for books изголодаться по книгам - to * to begin the combat жаждать битвы thirst жажда;
thirst for knowledge жажда знаний ~ жаждать (for, библ. after - чего-л.) ~ хотеть пить thirst жажда;
thirst for knowledge жажда знаний

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thirst" в других словарях:

  • Thirst — is the craving for liquids, resulting in the basic instinct of humans or animals to drink. It is an essential mechanism involved in fluid balance. It arises from a lack of fluids and/or an increase in the concentration of certain osmolites such… …   Wikipedia

  • Thirst — (th[ e]rst), n. [OE. thirst, [thorn]urst, AS. [thorn]urst, [thorn]yrst; akin to D. dorst, OS. thurst, G. durst, Icel. [thorn]orsti, Sw. & Dan. t[ o]rst, Goth. [thorn]a[ u]rstei thirst, [thorn]a[ u]rsus dry, withered, [thorn]a[ u]rsie[thorn] mik I …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thirst´er — thirst «thurst», noun, verb. –n. 1. a dry, uncomfortable feeling in the mouth or throat caused by having had nothing to drink: »The traveler in the desert suffered from thirst. 2. a desire for something to drink: »He satisfied his thirst at the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thirst — Données clés Titre original 박쥐 (Bakjwi) Réalisation Park Chan wook Scénario Park Chan wook Seo Gyeong Jeong, d après Thérèse Raquin d Émile Zola Acteurs principaux Song Kang ho Kim Ok bin Shin Ha kyun …   Wikipédia en Français

  • thirst — thirst·er; thirst·i·ly; thirst·i·ness; thirst·less; thirst·less·ness; thirst; …   English syllables

  • thirst|y — «THURS tee», adjective, thirst|i|er, thirst|i|est. 1. feeling thirst; having thirst: »The dog is thirsty; please give him some water. 2. (of earth or plants) without water or moisture; …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thirst — Thirst, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Thirsted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Thirsting}.] [AS. [thorn]yrstan. See {Thirst}, n.] 1. To feel thirst; to experience a painful or uneasy sensation of the throat or fauces, as for want of drink. [1913 Webster] The people… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Thirst — Thirst, v. t. To have a thirst for. [R.] [1913 Webster] He seeks his keeper s flesh, and thirsts his blood. Prior. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thirst — ► NOUN 1) a feeling of needing or wanting to drink. 2) lack of the liquid needed to sustain life. 3) (thirst for) a strong desire for. ► VERB 1) archaic feel a need to drink. 2) (thirst for/after …   English terms dictionary

  • thirst — [thʉrst] n. [ME < OE thurst, akin to Ger durst < IE base * ters , to dry > L torrere, to parch, torridus, torrid, terra, earth] 1. the uncomfortable or distressful feeling caused by a desire or need for water and characterized generally… …   English World dictionary

  • thirst — index desire, need (deprivation) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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