temporal decomposition

temporal decomposition
временная декомпозиция, временное разложение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "temporal decomposition" в других словарях:

  • Singular value decomposition — Visualization of the SVD of a 2 dimensional, real shearing matrix M. First, we see the unit disc in blue together with the two canonical unit vectors. We then see the action of M, which distorts the disk to an ellipse. The SVD decomposes M into… …   Wikipedia

  • Ecology — For other uses, see Ecology (disambiguation). Ecology …   Wikipedia

  • MYRIAPODES — Les Myriapodes sont des Arthropodes terrestres antennifères (une paire d’antennes) et mandibulates possédant un grand nombre d’anneaux pédifères (plus de trois) groupés deux à deux d’une manière plus ou moins apparente (diplopodie). Le terme fut… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Spinor — In mathematics and physics, in particular in the theory of the orthogonal groups (such as the rotation or the Lorentz groups), spinors are elements of a complex vector space introduced to expand the notion of spatial vector. Unlike tensors, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Lotic ecosystems — are the ecosystems of rivers, streams and springs. Included in these environments are the biotic interactions (amongst plants, animals and micro organisms) together with the abiotic interactions (physical and chemical). [Angelier (2003)] Lotic… …   Wikipedia

  • Spectrum continuation analysis — (SCA) is a generalization of the concept of Fourier series to non periodic functions of which only a fragment has been sampled in the time domain.Recall that a Fourier series is only suitable to the analysis of periodic (or finite domain)… …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (T) — NOTOC T T duality T group T group (mathematics) T integration T norm T norm fuzzy logics T schema T square (fractal) T symmetry T table T theory T.C. Mits T1 space Table of bases Table of Clebsch Gordan coefficients Table of divisors Table of Lie …   Wikipedia

  • Discrete wavelet transform — An example of the 2D discrete wavelet transform that is used in JPEG2000. The original image is high pass filtered, yielding the three large images, each describing local changes in brightness (details) in the original image. It is then low pass… …   Wikipedia

  • Reassignment method — The method of reassignment is a technique forsharpening a time frequency representation by mappingthe data to time frequency coordinates that are nearer tothe true region of support of theanalyzed signal. The method has been… …   Wikipedia

  • Semantic memory — refers to the memory of meanings, understandings, and other concept based knowledge unrelated to specific experiences. The conscious recollection of factual information and general knowledge about the world,cite web… …   Wikipedia

  • climate — /kluy mit/, n. 1. the composite or generally prevailing weather conditions of a region, as temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds, throughout the year, averaged over a series of years. 2. a region or… …   Universalium

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