temporal courts

temporal courts
гражданские суды

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "temporal courts" в других словарях:

  • Temporal — Tem po*ral, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempus, temporis, time, portion of time, the fitting or appointed time: cf. F. temporel. Cf. {Contemporaneous}, {Extempore}, {Temper}, v. t., {Tempest}, {Temple} a part of the head, {Tense}, n., {Thing}.] 1. Of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Temporal augment — Temporal Tem po*ral, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempus, temporis, time, portion of time, the fitting or appointed time: cf. F. temporel. Cf. {Contemporaneous}, {Extempore}, {Temper}, v. t., {Tempest}, {Temple} a part of the head, {Tense}, n., {Thing} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Lords temporal — Temporal Tem po*ral, a. [L. temporalis, fr. tempus, temporis, time, portion of time, the fitting or appointed time: cf. F. temporel. Cf. {Contemporaneous}, {Extempore}, {Temper}, v. t., {Tempest}, {Temple} a part of the head, {Tense}, n., {Thing} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ecclesiastical Courts —     Ecclesiastical Courts     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Courts     I. JUDICIAL POWER IN THE CHURCH     In instituting the Church as a perfect society, distinct from the civil power and entirely independent of it, Christ gave her… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Christian courts — Ecclesiastical Ec*cle si*as tic*al, a. [See {Ecclesiastical}, a.] Of or pertaining to the church; relating to the organization or government of the church; not secular; as, ecclesiastical affairs or history; ecclesiastical courts. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ecclesiastical courts — Ecclesiastical Ec*cle si*as tic*al, a. [See {Ecclesiastical}, a.] Of or pertaining to the church; relating to the organization or government of the church; not secular; as, ecclesiastical affairs or history; ecclesiastical courts. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ecclesiastical courts — In Amercian usage, church tribunals taking cognizance of spiritual matters and internal controversies. English courts presided over by members of the clergy, which, in the course of time, have exercised jurisdiction over spiritual matters and… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • ecclesiastical court — a church court in ecclesiastical matters, presided over by members of the clergy and usually having no compulsory jurisdiction. Also called court Christian. [1675 85] * * *       tribunal set up by religious authorities to deal with disputes… …   Universalium

  • Blasphemy law in the United Kingdom — This article describes the blasphemy law in the United Kingdom. England Wales The common law offences of blasphemy and blasphemous libel were abolished in 2008. See now the Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006. Before the common law era The… …   Wikipedia

  • John Fineux — Sir John Fineux, or Fyneux (c.1441 1526), was an English judge and Chief Justice of the King’s Bench.Early life and careerFineux was the son of William Fyneux of Swingfield, Kent, his mother s name being Monyngs. The family of Fyneux or Fineux… …   Wikipedia

  • obscenity — /euhb sen i tee, see ni /, n., pl. obscenities for 2, 3. 1. the character or quality of being obscene; indecency; lewdness. 2. something obscene, as a picture or story. 3. an obscene word or expression, esp. when used as an invective. [1600 10; …   Universalium

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