
сущ. небольшой столик на трех ножках (особ. для чая) (индийское) чайный столик на трех ножках teapoy инд. небольшой столик на трех ножках (особ. для чая)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "teapoy" в других словарях:

  • Teapoy — Tea poy, n. [Hind. tip[=a]i; Hind. tin there + Per. p[=a]e foot.] An ornamental stand, usually with three legs, having caddies for holding tea. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • teapoy — [tē′poi΄] n. [Hindi tipāī < tin, tir (< Sans trī,THREE) + Pers pāï (akin to Sans pad ,FOOT): sp. infl. by assoc. with tea] 1. a small, three legged stand 2. a small table for holding a tea service …   English World dictionary

  • Teapoy — A teapoy is an item of furniture used in the 19th Century for storing tea. A teapoy usually consisted of a lockable box attached to a stand or three legged table. They were used when tea was a valuable commodity, and was important enough to be… …   Wikipedia

  • teapoy — noun Etymology: Hindi & Urdu tipāī Date: 1828 1. a 3 legged ornamental stand 2. [influenced by tea] a stand or table containing a tea chest or caddy and used for supporting a tea set; also tea caddy …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • teapoy — /tee poy/, n. 1. a small three legged table or stand. 2. a small table for use in serving tea. [1820 30; < Hindi tipai, alter. (with t from tir three < Skt tri) of Pers si paya three legged stand] * * * …   Universalium

  • teapoy — noun a small decorative table having three legs; sometimes used for holding a tea service …   Wiktionary

  • teapoy — see FOOT …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • teapoy —    (TEE poy) [Hindi] A small, three legged table suitable for serving tea …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

  • teapoy — [ ti:pɔɪ] noun a small three legged table or stand, especially one that holds a tea caddy. Origin C19: from Hindi tī three + Urdu and Pers. pāī foot , the sense and spelling influenced by tea …   English new terms dictionary

  • teapoy — tea·poy …   English syllables

  • teapoy — tea•poy [[t]ˈti pɔɪ[/t]] n. 1) fur a small three legged table or stand 2) fur a small table for use in serving tea • Etymology: 1820–30; < Hindi tīpāi alter. (with t from tir three < Skt tri) of Pers si pāya three legged stand …   From formal English to slang

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