tax the costs

tax the costs
таксировать судебные издержки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tax the costs" в других словарях:

  • costs — A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. In federal courts, costs are allowed as a matter of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • costs — A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. In federal courts, costs are allowed as a matter of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Tax avoidance and tax evasion — Tax avoidance is the legal utilization of the tax regime to one s own advantage, in order to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by means that are within the law. By contrast tax evasion is the general term for efforts to not pay taxes by… …   Wikipedia

  • tax — 1 vt [Medieval Latin taxare to assess for taxation, tax, from Latin, to assess, value, fix] 1: to assess or determine judicially the amount of (costs of an action in court) 2: to levy a tax on tax the corporation tax capital gains tax·er n tax 2 …   Law dictionary

  • tax-deductible — The effect of creating a tax deduction, such as charitable contributions and mortgage interest. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * tax deductible ˌtax deˈductible adjective TAX tax deductible costs can be taken off your total income before tax… …   Financial and business terms

  • Costs (English law) — Costs is a term of art in civil litigation in English law (the law of England and Wales), and in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. After judgment has been given, the judge has the power to order who will pay the lawyers fees and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax system in China — Taxes provide the most important revenue source for the Government of the People s Republic of China. As the most important source of fiscal revenue, tax is a key economic player of macro economic regulation, and greatly affects China s economic… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax Reform Act of 1986 — The U.S. Congress passed the Tax Reform Act (TRA) of 1986, (USStatute|99|514|100|2085|1986|10|22) to simplify the income tax code, broaden the tax base and eliminate many tax shelters and other preferences. Although often referred to as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 — The Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005 (or TIPRA, USPL|109|222, USStat|120|345) was enacted on May 17, 2006. This bill prevents several tax provisions from sunseting in the near future. The two most notable pieces of the bill… …   Wikipedia

  • Tax protester 861 argument — The 861 argument is a statutory argument used by tax protesters in the United States, which interprets a portion of the tax code as invalidating certain applications of income tax. The argument has uniformly been held by courts to be incorrect,… …   Wikipedia

  • The Nature of the Firm — (1937) 4(16) Economica 386–405, is an influential article by Ronald Coase. It offered an economic explanation of why individuals choose to form partnerships, companies and other business entities rather than trading bilaterally through contracts… …   Wikipedia

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