tax system
Смотреть что такое "tax system" в других словарях:
tax system — Spain s tax system is, from 1998, in the process of being reformed. The number of income tax brackets was reduced from eighteen in 1996 to ten in 1997, and a further reduction to six was proposed in 1998. Prior to these reforms, rates ranged… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
Tax system in China — Taxes provide the most important revenue source for the Government of the People s Republic of China. As the most important source of fiscal revenue, tax is a key economic player of macro economic regulation, and greatly affects China s economic… … Wikipedia
tax system — noun a legal system for assessing and collecting taxes • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑legal system … Useful english dictionary
tax system — The means by which taxes are raised and collected in accordance with the tax legislation … Accounting dictionary
Citizens for an Alternative Tax System — (CATS) is a national tax reform public interest group in the United States. Their Las Vegas chapter proposes, ...that Congress should eliminate the IRS and all income taxes, corporate and personal; estate, gift and inheritance taxes, plus many… … Wikipedia
single-tax system — A system of taxation in which there would be only one major tax, usually a comprehensive income tax, instead of several taxes, such as income tax, capital gains tax, and National Insurance, as in the UK. Arguments in favour of such taxes are that … Big dictionary of business and management
Progressive tax system — A tax system wherein the average tax rate increases for some increases in income but never decreases with an increase in income. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
territorial tax system — A tax system that taxes domestic income but not foreign income. Territorial tax regimes are found in Hong Kong, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Split-rate tax system — A tax system that taxes retained earnings at a higher rate than earnings that are distributed as dividends. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
progressive tax system — A tax system that taxes the wealthy at a higher percentage rate than the less wealthy. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
split-rate tax system — A tax system that taxes retained earnings at a higher rate than earnings that are distributed as dividends. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms