
1. сущ.
1) тусклость Syn : dimness, dullness, wanness, colourlessness, dreariness
2) перен. пятно
2. гл.
1) лишать(ся) блеска, тускнеть
2) бесчестить, позорить, порочить, пятнать tarnish one's name ≈ свое имя Syn : discolour тусклость;
неяркость тусклое пятно тусклая, матовая поверхность налет, потускнение позорное пятно, тень - there's no * on them они ничем себя не запятнали вызывать потускнение, лишать блеска;
окислять - *ed by damp потускневший от влаги - he couldn't bear to have his dream *ed (образное) он не мог смириться с тем, что кто-то покушается на его мечту тускнеть, терять блеск;
окиляться порочить, пятнать, бросать тень, позорить - to * one's honour запятнать свою четь tarnish лишать(ся) блеска, тускнеть ~ порочить, пятнать ~ перен. пятно ~ тусклость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tarnish" в других словарях:

  • Tarnish — Tar nish, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tarnished}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Tarnishing}.] [F. ternir, fr. OHG. tarnen to darken, to conceal, hide; akin to OS. dernian to hide, AS. dernan, dyrnan, OHG. tarni hidden, OS. derni, AS. derne, dyrne. Cf. {Dern}, a.,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tarnish — is a layer of corrosion that develops over copper, brass, silver, aluminum as well as a degree of semi reactive metals as they undergo oxidation. It is analogous to rust, but with soap PreventionIn objects which are primarily for display rather… …   Wikipedia

  • Tarnish — Tar nish, v. i. To lose luster; to become dull; as, gilding will tarnish in a foul air. [1913 Webster] Till thy fresh glories, which now shine so bright, Grow stale and tarnish with our daily sight. Dryden. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tarnish — Tar nish, n. 1. The quality or state of being tarnished; stain; soil; blemish. [1913 Webster] 2. (Min.) A thin film on the surface of a metal, usually due to a slight alteration of the original color; as, the steel tarnish in columbite. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tarnish — [tär′nish] vt. [< Fr terniss , inflectional stem of ternir, to make dim < MFr, prob. < OHG tarnjan, to conceal < tarni, hidden] 1. to dull the luster of or discolor the surface of (a metal) as by exposure to air 2. a) to besmirch or… …   English World dictionary

  • Tarnish — Tarnish. См. Помутнение поверхности. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • tarnish — I verb asperse, befoul, blacken, blemish, blot, brand, cloud, contaminate, corrode, darken, deface, defame, degrade, denigrate, desecrate, dim, dirty, discolor, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, dull, fade, foul, inquinare, lose luster, maculate,… …   Law dictionary

  • tarnish — vb *soil, dirty, sully, foul, befoul, smirch, besmirch, grime, begrime Analogous words: darken, dim, bedim, *obscure: defile, pollute, taint, *contaminate Antonyms: polish Contrasted words: cleanse, *clean: *illuminate, illumine, lighten …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • tarnish — [v] dirty, corrupt befoul, begrime, blacken, blemish, blot, contaminate, damage, darken, defame, defile, dim, discolor, disgrace, dull, embarrass, grime, harm, hurt, impair, injure, lose luster, lose shine, mar, muddy, pale, pollute, rust,… …   New thesaurus

  • tarnish — ► VERB 1) lose or cause to lose lustre, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture. 2) make or become less valuable or respected. ► NOUN 1) a film or stain formed on an exposed surface of a mineral or metal. 2) dullness of colour; loss …   English terms dictionary

  • tarnish — [ tɑːnɪʃ] luxuriously plainly tastefully to tarnish elegantly (D; tr.) ( to provide ) to tarnish with (can you tarnish us with the necessary information?) (D; tr.) ( to supply with furniture ) to tarnish with (they tarnished the room with very… …   Combinatory dictionary

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