
tɑ:ˈneɪʃən = damnation (американизм) (эвфмеизм) проклятие - may * take him! будь он проклят! (американизм) (эвфмеизм) осуждение;
строгая критика;
освистание - the * of а book разнос книги (американизм) (эвфмеизм) в грам. знач. междометия проклятие! tarnation = damnation

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "tarnation" в других словарях:

  • Tarnation — est un film documentaire autobiographique de Jonathan Caouette, sorti aux USA en 2003, en France en 2004. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Tarnation — may refer to:* A colloquial synonym for damnation , primarily used in the southeastern United States, part of the expression What in tarnation? used to indicate disbelief.* Tarnation (band), a San Francisco based alt country band* Tarnation… …   Wikipedia

  • Tarnation — bezeichnet: Tarnation (Band), amerikanische Independent Band Tarnation (Film), amerikanischer Dokumentarfilm aus dem Jahr 2003 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichne …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tarnation — [tär nā′shən] n., interj. [prob. < tarnal (short dial. form of ETERNAL) + (DAM)NATION] dial. var. of DAMNATION: also used as an intensifier [what in tarnation is that?] …   English World dictionary

  • tarnation — 1784, Amer.Eng. alteration of darnation (itself a euphemism for DAMNATION (Cf. damnation)), influenced by tarnal (1790), from phrase by the Eternal (God) …   Etymology dictionary

  • tarnation — I. (ˈ)tär|nāshən, (ˈ)tȧ|n adverb (or adjective) Etymology: alteration (influenced by tarnal) of darnation dialect : damned used as a mild imprecation so tarnation still there you began listening for something Esther Forbes …   Useful english dictionary

  • tarnation — tar·na·tion (tär nā’shən) New England & Southern US n. ▸ The act of damning or the condition of being damned. interj. ▸ Used to express anger or annoyance. ╂ [Alteration (influenced by TARNAL(Cf. ↑tarnal)) of DARNATION(Cf. ↑darnation).] Word… …   Word Histories

  • tarnation — /taˈneɪʃən/ (say tah nayshuhn) Colloquial –interjection 1. damnation. –noun 2. an act or instance of saying tarnation . 3. eternal damnation. –adjective 4. damned: I can t get the tarnation car to start. –adverb 5. (an intensifier): *I ll sing… …  

  • tarnation — noun Etymology: alteration of darnation, euphemism for damnation Date: 1790 damnation often used as an interjection or intensive; often used with in < tarnation strike me James Joyce > < where in tarnation you from? Jessamyn West > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tarnation — /tahr nay sheuhn/, Older Use. interj. 1. damnation. n. 2. damnation; hell (used as a euphemism): Where in tarnation is that boy? adv. 3. damned. [1775 85; b. tarnal, dial. form of ETERNAL and DAMNATION] * * * …   Universalium

  • tarnation — noun The act or process of damnation or reprobation; hell. What in tarnation is going on? …   Wiktionary

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