take out a policy
Смотреть что такое "take out a policy" в других словарях:
take out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you take something out, you remove it permanently from its place. [V n P] I got an abscess so he took the tooth out... [V P n (not pron)] When you edit the tape you can take out the giggles. 2) PHRASAL VERB If you take out… … English dictionary
take out — phr verb Take out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑account, ↑ad, ↑advert, ↑advertisement, ↑appendix, ↑boat, ↑book, ↑cellphone, ↑clause, ↑contact lens, ↑contract, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
policy — I n. plan principle 1) to adopt, establish, formulate, set a policy 2) to adhere to, follow, pursue; carry out, implement a policy 3) to form, shape a policy 4) a cautious; clear, clear cut; conciliatory; deliberate; established, set; firm;… … Combinatory dictionary
take — take1 W1S1 [teık] v past tense took [tuk] past participle taken [ˈteıkən] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(action)¦ 2¦(move)¦ 3¦(remove)¦ 4¦(time/money/effort etc)¦ 5¦(accept)¦ 6¦(hold something)¦ 7¦(travel)¦ 8 … Dictionary of contemporary English
policy — noun 1 plan of action ADJECTIVE ▪ clear, coherent ▪ explicit, specific ▪ strict ▪ conscious, deliberate … Collocations dictionary
policy — / pɒlɪsi/ noun 1. a course of action or set of principles determining the general way of doing something ● a company’s trading policy ● The country’s economic policy seems to lack any direction. ● We have a policy of only hiring qualified staff.… … Dictionary of banking and finance
policy — pol|i|cy W1S3 [ˈpɔlısi US ˈpa: ] n plural policies [Sense: 1,3; Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: policie, from Late Latin politia; POLICE1] [Sense: 2; Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: police document, certificate , from … Dictionary of contemporary English
policy — pol‧i‧cy [ˈpɒlsi ǁ ˈpɑː ] noun plural policies 1. [countable] also inˈsurance ˌpolicy INSURANCE a contract with an insurance company, or an official written statement giving all the details of such a contract: • She did not realize that her… … Financial and business terms
Policy Exchange — is a British think tank based in London. The Daily Telegraph has described it as the largest, but also the most influential think tank on the right . [ [http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/02/nosplit/nlist102.xml The… … Wikipedia
take — takable, takeable, adj. taker, n. /tayk/, v., took, taken, taking, n. v.t. 1. to get into one s hold or possession by voluntary action: to take a cigarette out of a box; to take a pen and begin to write. 2. to hold, grasp, or grip: to take a book … Universalium
take — take1 [ teık ] (past tense took [ tuk ] ; past participle tak|en [ teıkən ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 move something/someone ▸ 2 cause someone/something to move ▸ 3 perform action ▸ 4 need something ▸ 5 accept ▸ 6 win prize/election ▸ 7 reach out and get ▸… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English