take out a patent

take out a patent
выбирать патент, взять патент

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "take out a patent" в других словарях:

  • take out — verb 1. cause to leave (Freq. 7) The teacher took the children out of the classroom • Syn: ↑move out, ↑remove • Hyponyms: ↑clear, ↑call in, ↑estrange …   Useful english dictionary

  • take out — /ˌteɪk aυt/ verb 1. to remove something ● She’s taken all the money out of her account. 2. ♦ to take out a patent for an invention to apply for and receive a patent ♦ to take out insurance against theft to pay a premium to an insurance company,… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • To take out — Take Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • take out — phr verb Take out is used with these nouns as the object: ↑account, ↑ad, ↑advert, ↑advertisement, ↑appendix, ↑boat, ↑book, ↑cellphone, ↑clause, ↑contact lens, ↑contract, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

  • Take — Take, v. t. [imp. {Took} (t[oo^]k); p. p. {Taken} (t[=a]k n); p. pr. & vb. n. {Taking}.] [Icel. taka; akin to Sw. taga, Dan. tage, Goth. t[=e]kan to touch; of uncertain origin.] 1. In an active sense; To lay hold of; to seize with the hands, or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • patent — n. 1) to grant, issue a patent 2) to apply for; obtain, take out a patent 3) to hold a patent 4) to infringe a patent 5) patent pending ( a patent has been applied for ) 6) a patent on (she took out a patent on her invention) * * * [ peɪt(ə)nt]… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • patent — patentable, adj. patentability, n. patentably, adv. patently, adv. /pat nt/ or, for 10, 12 15, /payt /; esp. Brit. /payt nt/, n. 1. the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain …   Universalium

  • patent — the granting by a government of monopoly rights to the owner of an invention to manufacture and sell it for a certain number of years, conditional on the owner being willing to immediately reveal the ideas incorporated in the invention, so that… …   Financial and business terms

  • patent — / peɪtəntˌ pætənt/ noun an official document showing that a person has the exclusive right to make and sell an invention ● to take out a patent for a new type of light bulb ● to apply for a patent for a new invention ♦ ‘patent applied for’ or… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • patent — / peɪtəntˌ pætənt/ noun an official document showing that a person has the exclusive right to make and sell an invention ● to take out a patent for a new type of light bulb ● to apply for a patent for a new invention ♦ ‘patent applied for’,… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • patent — pa|tent1 [ˈpeıtnt, ˈpæ US ˈpæ ] n [U and C] a special document that gives you the right to make or sell a new ↑invention or product that no one else is allowed to copy patent on/for ▪ He applied for a patent for a new method of removing paint. ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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