- take in tow
1) брать на буксир
2) брать на попечение брать на буксир
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
take in tow — Tow, draw, drag, haul, pull … New dictionary of synonyms
take in tow — {v. phr.} To take charge of; lead; conduct. * /Brian and Kate took a group of children in tow when they went to see the circus./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take in tow — {v. phr.} To take charge of; lead; conduct. * /Brian and Kate took a group of children in tow when they went to see the circus./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take\ in\ tow — v. phr. To take charge of; lead; conduct. Brian and Kate took a group of children in tow when they went to see the circus … Словарь американских идиом
Tow — Tow, n. [Cf. Icel. taug a rope, from the same root as E. tow, v. t.] 1. A rope by which anything is towed; a towline, or towrope. [1913 Webster] 2. The act of towing, or the state of being towed; chiefly used in the phrase, to take in tow, that… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tow — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. draw, pull, drag, haul; take in tow. See traction. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. haul, pull, drag, ferry, lug, yank, tug; see also draw 1 . See Synonym Study at pull . III (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) v.… … English dictionary for students
tow — I. n. Refuse flax, hards. II. v. a. Draw (as a vessel, through the water), haul, drag, draw, pull, take in tow, tug … New dictionary of synonyms
Tow-in surfing — ist eine Wellenreittechnik, die von Laird Hamilton, Buzzy Kerbox, Dave Kalama, Milton Willis, Michael Willis und anderen in den 1990er Jahren erfunden wurde um das Abreiten sehr großer Wellen zu ermöglichen (engl.: „Big wave surfing“).… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tow-in surfen — Tow in surfing ist eine Wellenreittechnik, die von Laird Hamilton, Buzzy Kerbox, Dave Kalama, Milton Willis, Michael Willis und anderen in den 1990er Jahren erfunden wurde. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Technik 2 Kritik 3 Bekannte tow in Surf Spots 4… … Deutsch Wikipedia
tow away — ˌtow a ˈway [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they tow away he/she/it tows away present participle towing away past tense towed away … Useful english dictionary
Take-off — rsp. Takeoff (englisch: take off, take off oder takeoff) bezeichnet: das Abheben eines Luftfahrzeuges, siehe Start (Luftfahrt) Take off Modell, ein Modell in der Entwicklungstheorie, siehe The Stages of Economic Growth: A Noncommunist Manifesto… … Deutsch Wikipedia