take in the reverse
Смотреть что такое "take in the reverse" в других словарях:
To take up the cross — Cross Cross (kr[o^]s; 115), n. [OE. crois, croys, cros; the former fr. OF. crois, croiz, F. croix, fr. L. crux; the second is perh. directly fr. Prov. cros, crotz. fr. the same L. crux; cf. Icel. kross. Cf. {Crucial}, {Crusade}, {Cruise},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Reverse handball — is a type of tennis ball game similar to school handball, created in Sydney, Australia. Like its predecessor, primitive school handball (refer to Australian Handball), reverse handball may be played on any surface area that has marked lines and… … Wikipedia
Reverse chronology — is a method of story telling whereby the plot is revealed in reverse order.In a story employing this technique, the first scene shown is actually the conclusion to the plot. Once that scene ends, the penultimate scene is shown, and so on, so that … Wikipedia
Reverse engineering — is the process of discovering the technological principles of a device, object, or system through analysis of its structure, function, and operation. It often involves taking something (e.g., a mechanical device, electronic component, software… … Wikipedia
Reverse takeover — (reverse IPO) is the acquisition of a public company by a private company to bypass the lengthy and complex process of going public. The transaction typically requires reorganization of capitalization of the acquiring company.ProcessIn a reverse… … Wikipedia
Reverse domain hijacking — is the practice of inequitably unseating domain name registrants by accusing them of violating weak or non existent trademarks related to the domain name. A widely regarded case of reverse domain name hijacking occurred in 2000, when the Deutsche … Wikipedia
The Mysterious Mr. Quin — … Wikipedia
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Tertiary to Quintessential Phases — The Tertiary Phase , Quandary Phase and Quintessential Phase are radio adaptations of the books Life, the Universe and Everything , So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish and Mostly Harmless recorded in 2003 and 2004 by Above the Title Productions… … Wikipedia
The Littlest Hobo — The First Season DVD cover Genre Family Children s Melodrama … Wikipedia
The Bruske Method — is a special technique of using a photocopier to improve the speed of copying.When using a photocopy machine to produce double sided copies, many machines can automatically print both sides by feeding a sheet of paper through once, and then… … Wikipedia
The Animate and the Inanimate — est le principal livre du mathématicien américain William James Sidis[1]. Il traite de la possibilité d un univers à rebours (reverse universe) en s appuyant notamment sur la seconde loi de la thermodynamique. Sidis l écrit avant 21 ans, et… … Wikipédia en Français