
ˈtæktɪkəl прил.
1) воен. тактический;
2) тактический;
временный to make a tactical errorсделать тактическую ошибку tactical advantage ≈ тактическое преимущество tactical allianceвременный союз Syn : temporary, transient
3) ловкий, расчетливый (военное) тактический, оперативный;
войсковой - * activities боевые действия - * airfield аэродром тактической авиации;
оперативный аэродром - T. Air Force (американизм) тактическая воздушная армия;
(американизм) авиация поддержки военно-морских сил;
тактические военно-воздушные силы - * approach близкий подступ - * composition боевой состав;
боевая организация - * efficiency боевая готовность;
тактические данные - * force тактическая группа - * gap оперативный простор - * map топографическая карта крупного масштаба - * mission боевая задача;
боевой вылет /полет/ - * nuclear weapons тактическое ядерное оружие - * reconnaissance тактическая или оперативная разведка;
войсковая разведка - * smoke вертикальная дымовая завеса тактический;
временный - * advantage тактическое преимущество - * alliance временный союз - to make a * error сделать тактическую ошибку ловкий;
расчетливый tactical ловкий, расчетливый ~ воен. тактический;
боевой ~ efficiency боевая готовность ~ efficiency тактические данные

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tactical" в других словарях:

  • tactical — tac‧tic‧al [ˈtæktɪkl] adjective 1. done in order to achieve what you want at a later time, especially in a large plan: • Their agreement was a tactical move to avoid the threat of legal action. 2. tactical mistake/​error a mistake that will harm …   Financial and business terms

  • Tactical — Tac tic*al, a. [Gr. ?. See {Tactics}.] Tactic Tac tic, n. See {Tactics}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tactical — I adjective aimed, artful, astutus, blueprinted, calculated, cautus, considered, contrived, crafty, cunning, deliberate, designed, devised, diplomatic, diplomatical, engineered, intended, intriguing, knowing, maneuvering, organized, planned,… …   Law dictionary

  • tactical — (adj.) 1560s, from Mod.L. tactica (see TACTICS (Cf. tactics)); in reference to nuclear weapons (opposed to strategic) it is recorded from 1957. Related: Tactically …   Etymology dictionary

  • tactical — strategic, logistic (see under STRATEGY) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • tactical — [adj] strategic calculated, clever, cunning, deliberate, diplomatic, planned, politic, prudent, skillful, smart, well planned; concept 544 …   New thesaurus

  • tactical — ► ADJECTIVE 1) done or planned to gain a specific military end. 2) (of bombing or weapons) done or for use in immediate support of military or naval operations. Often contrasted with STRATEGIC(Cf. ↑strategically). 3) planned in order to achieve… …   English terms dictionary

  • tactical — [tak′ti kəl] adj. 1. of or having to do with tactics, esp. in military or naval maneuvers 2. characterized by or showing cleverness and skill in tactics tactically adv …   English World dictionary

  • tactical — tac|ti|cal [ tæktıkl ] adjective 1. ) a tactical action is one that you do as part of a plan for achieving what you want: Getting the trial postponed was a tactical victory. a tactical error/mistake (=a bad decision or plan) 2. ) involving… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tactical — UK [ˈtæktɪk(ə)l] / US adjective 1) a tactical action is one that you do as part of a plan for achieving what you want Getting the trial postponed was a tactical victory. a tactical error/mistake (= a bad decision or plan) 2) involving military… …   English dictionary

  • tactical — [[t]tæ̱ktɪk(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n You use tactical to describe an action or plan which is intended to help someone achieve what they want in a particular situation. It s not yet clear whether the Prime Minister s resignation offer is a… …   English dictionary

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