system environment variable
Смотреть что такое "system environment variable" в других словарях:
Environment variable — Environment variables are a set of dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. They can be said in some sense to create the operating environment in which a process runs. For example, an environment… … Wikipedia
Variable retention — is a relatively new silvicultural system that follows nature s model by always retaining a significant part of the forest after harvesting. Variable retention harvests serve to promote desired natural regeneration while preserving unique features … Wikipedia
Variable Data Intelligent Postscript Printware — (FreeFlow VI Suite (VIPP)) is an open language from Xerox that enables highest performance output of personalized (variable data) PostScript documents [ VIPP Support Forum] VIPP was originally called XGF and it is… … Wikipedia
Variable d'environnement — En informatique, les variables d’environnement sont des variables dynamiques utilisées par les différents processus d’un système d’exploitation (Windows, Unix, etc.). Elles servent à communiquer des informations entre programmes qui ne se… … Wikipédia en Français
Variable — A variable (pronEng|ˈvɛərɪəbl) is an attribute of a physical or an abstract system which may change its value while it is under observation. Examples include the height of a child, the temperature across a state, or the input to a function. This… … Wikipedia
Variable de entorno — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor. Las variables de entorno forman un… … Wikipedia Español
Variable fighter — A Variable Fighter is one of a series of fictional transforming aerospace fighters primarily designed by Studio Nue s Shoji Kawamori and Kazutake Miyatake for the animated series The Super Dimension Fortress Macross and later related… … Wikipedia
System/34 BASIC — IBM System/34 BASIC was an interpreter for the IBM System/34 midrange computer.System/34 BASIC was first offered in 1978, and as such, contained many of the trappings that a BASIC program would have encountered in the time period of the TRS 80,… … Wikipedia
System/36 BASIC — IBM System/36 BASIC was an interpreter for the IBM System/36 midrange computer.System/36 BASIC was first offered in 1983, and as such, contained many of the trappings that a BASIC program would have encountered in the time period of the IBM PC,… … Wikipedia
Variable-length quantity — A variable length quantity (VLQ) is a universal code that uses an arbitrary number of binary octets (eight bit bytes) to represent an infinitely large integer. It was defined for use in the standard MIDI file format [ [… … Wikipedia
Operating environment — The operating environment in engineering describes the circumstances surrounding and potentially affecting something that is operating. For example electronic or mechanical equipment may be affected by high temperatures, vibration, dust, and… … Wikipedia