symplectic transformation

symplectic transformation
мат. симплектическое преобразование

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "symplectic transformation" в других словарях:

  • Symplectic matrix — In mathematics, a symplectic matrix is a 2n times; 2n matrix M (whose entries are typically either real or complex) satisfying the condition:M^T Omega M = Omega,.where MT denotes the transpose of M and Omega; is a fixed nonsingular, skew… …   Wikipedia

  • Symplectic vector space — In mathematics, a symplectic vector space is a vector space V equipped with a nondegenerate, skew symmetric, bilinear form omega; called the symplectic form. Explicitly, a symplectic form is a bilinear form omega; : V times; V rarr; R which is *… …   Wikipedia

  • Symplectic integrator — In mathematics, a symplectic integrator (SI) is a numerical integration scheme for a specific group of differential equations related to classical mechanics and symplectic geometry. Symplectic integrators form the subclass of geometric… …   Wikipedia

  • Canonical transformation — In Hamiltonian mechanics, a canonical transformation is a change of canonical coordinates (mathbf{q}, mathbf{p}, t) ightarrow (mathbf{Q}, mathbf{P}, t) that preserves the form of Hamilton s equations, although it might not preserve the… …   Wikipedia

  • Linear complex structure — In mathematics, a complex structure on a real vector space V is an automorphism of V that squares to the minus identity, −I. Such a structure on V allows one to define multiplication by complex scalars in a canonical fashion so as to regard V as… …   Wikipedia

  • Blowing up — This article is about the mathematical concept of blowing up. For information about the physical/chemical process, see Explosion. For other uses of Blow up , see Blow up (disambiguation). Blowup of the affine plane. In mathematics, blowing up or… …   Wikipedia

  • Differentiable manifold — A nondifferentiable atlas of charts for the globe. The results of calculus may not be compatible between charts if the atlas is not differentiable. In the middle chart the Tropic of Cancer is a smooth curve, whereas in the first it has a sharp… …   Wikipedia

  • Hamiltonian mechanics — is a re formulation of classical mechanics that was introduced in 1833 by Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton. It arose from Lagrangian mechanics, a previous re formulation of classical mechanics introduced by Joseph Louis Lagrange in 1788 …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… …   Wikipedia

  • Nonsqueezing theorem — The nonsqueezing theorem is one of the most important theorems in symplectic geometry. It was first proven by Mikhail Gromov in 1985.[1] The theorem states that one cannot embed a sphere into a cylinder via a symplectic map unless the radius of… …   Wikipedia

  • Supermanifold — In physics and mathematics, supermanifolds are generalizations of the manifold concept based on ideas coming from supersymmetry. Several definitions are in use, some of which are described below. Physics In physics, a supermanifold is a manifold… …   Wikipedia

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