- symplectic tensor
- мат. симплектический тензор
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Symplectic geometry — is a branch of differential topology/geometry which studies symplectic manifolds; that is, differentiable manifolds equipped with a closed, nondegenerate 2 form. Symplectic geometry has its origins in the Hamiltonian formulation of classical… … Wikipedia
Tensor — For other uses, see Tensor (disambiguation). Note that in common usage, the term tensor is also used to refer to a tensor field. Stress, a second order tensor. The tensor s components, in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, form the… … Wikipedia
Differentiable manifold — A nondifferentiable atlas of charts for the globe. The results of calculus may not be compatible between charts if the atlas is not differentiable. In the middle chart the Tropic of Cancer is a smooth curve, whereas in the first it has a sharp… … Wikipedia
Differential geometry — A triangle immersed in a saddle shape plane (a hyperbolic paraboloid), as well as two diverging ultraparallel lines. Differential geometry is a mathematical discipline that uses the techniques of differential and integral calculus, as well as… … Wikipedia
List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… … Wikipedia
Almost complex manifold — In mathematics, an almost complex manifold is a smooth manifold equipped with smooth linear complex structure on each tangent space. The existence of this structure is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for a manifold to be a complex… … Wikipedia
Reductive dual pair — In the mathematical field of representation theory, a reductive dual pair is a pair of subgroups (G,G ′) of the isometry group Sp(W) of a symplectic vector space W, such that G is the centralizer of G ′ in Sp(W) and vice versa, and these groups… … Wikipedia
List of differential geometry topics — This is a list of differential geometry topics. See also glossary of differential and metric geometry and list of Lie group topics. Contents 1 Differential geometry of curves and surfaces 1.1 Differential geometry of curves 1.2 Differential… … Wikipedia
Linear complex structure — In mathematics, a complex structure on a real vector space V is an automorphism of V that squares to the minus identity, −I. Such a structure on V allows one to define multiplication by complex scalars in a canonical fashion so as to regard V as… … Wikipedia
G-structure — In differential geometry, a G structure on an n manifold M , for a given structure group [Which is a Lie group G o GL(n,mathbf{R}) mapping to the general linear group GL(n,mathbf{R}). This is often but not always a Lie subgroup; for instance, for … Wikipedia
Supermanifold — In physics and mathematics, supermanifolds are generalizations of the manifold concept based on ideas coming from supersymmetry. Several definitions are in use, some of which are described below. Physics In physics, a supermanifold is a manifold… … Wikipedia