- suggestible
- səˈdʒestəbl прил.
1) поддающийся внушению
2) могущий быть внушенным поддающийся внушению могущий быть внушенным suggestible могущий быть внушенным ~ поддающийся внушению
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
suggestible — [ sygʒɛstibl ] adj. • 1888; du lat. suggestio ♦ Didact. Qui accepte facilement les suggestions, est influençable par suggestion (3o). N. f. SUGGESTIBILITÉ , (1887) . ● suggestible adjectif Qui reçoit facilement les suggestions. ⇒SUGGESTIBLE, adj … Encyclopédie Universelle
suggestible — means ‘open to suggestion, easily swayed’ and is used of a person: highly suggestible individuals who have had paranormal experiences. Less common is the sense ‘able to be suggested’ (used of an idea or proposal). In both meanings the word is… … Modern English usage
suggestible — index open (persuasible), pliant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
suggestible — 1890, “capable of being influenced,” from SUGGEST (Cf. suggest) + IBLE (Cf. ible). Meaning “that can be suggested” is from 1905 … Etymology dictionary
suggestible — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ open to suggestion; easily swayed. DERIVATIVES suggestibility noun … English terms dictionary
suggestible — [səgjes′tə bəl, səjes′tə bəl] adj. 1. readily influenced by suggestion; often, specif., susceptible to suggestion through hypnosis 2. that can be suggested suggestibility n … English World dictionary
suggestible — sug|gest|i|ble [səˈdʒestıbəl US səg ] adj easily influenced by other people or by things you see and hear very/highly/extremely suggestible ▪ At that age, kids are highly suggestible … Dictionary of contemporary English
suggestible — [[t]səʤe̱stɪb(ə)l, AM səgʤ [/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone who is suggestible can be easily influenced by other people. People tending to make false confessions are likely to be highly suggestible and compliant individuals … English dictionary
suggestible — adjective easily influenced by other people or by things you see and hear: highly/very suggestible: At that age, kids are highly suggestible … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
suggestible — Susceptible to suggestion. * * * sug·gest·ible sə(g) jes tə bəl adj easily influenced by suggestion <a suggestible hypnotic subject> * * * sug·ges·ti·ble (səg jesґtĭ bəl) highly susceptible to suggestion … Medical dictionary
suggestible — sug|gest|i|ble [ səg dʒestəbl ] adjective easily influenced by other people: Children of this age are often highly suggestible. ╾ sug|gest|i|bil|i|ty [ səg,dʒestə bıləti ] noun uncount … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English