
səbˈsɪst гл.
1) существовать (in) The special nature of life in any country subsists in its customs and beliefs rather than in language or weather. ≈ Особенность страны коренится скорее в обычаях и верованиях, чем в языке и погодных условиях. Syn : exist
2) жить, кормиться In some places the settlers were subsisting on potato peelings. ≈ В некоторых местах поселенцы кормились картофельной шелухой. Syn : live, reside
3) прокормить;
содержать (сокр. от subsistence) (разговорное) аванс (в счет зарплаты) жить, существовать;
оставаться в живых - superstition still *s there там до сих пор живы предрассудки - a custom that still *s обычай, который до сих пор существует жить, кормиться (чем-л.) - to * on vegetables жить на овощах, питаться овощами - to * on other men's charity жить за счет чьей-л. благотворительности - to * by begging жить попрошайничеством (редкое) содержать, кормить считать нормальным;
признавать (философское) быть логически понятным subsist жить, кормиться;
to subsist on a vegetable diet быть вегетарианцем;
to subsist by begging жить попрошайничеством ~ прокормить;
содержать ~ существовать subsist жить, кормиться;
to subsist on a vegetable diet быть вегетарианцем;
to subsist by begging жить попрошайничеством subsist жить, кормиться;
to subsist on a vegetable diet быть вегетарианцем;
to subsist by begging жить попрошайничеством

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "subsist" в других словарях:

  • Subsist — Sub*sist , v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Subsisted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Subsisting}.] [L. subsistere to stand still, stay, remain alive; sub under + sistere to stand, to cause to stand, from stare to stand: cf. F. subsister. See {Stand}.] 1. To be; to have… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subsist on — [phrasal verb] subsist on (something) : to use (something) as a way to stay alive : to live on (something) poor people subsisting on just one or two dollars a day The villagers subsist almost entirely on rice and fish. ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • Subsist — Sub*sist , v. t. To support with provisions; to feed; to maintain; as, to subsist one s family. [1913 Webster] He laid waste the adjacent country in order to render it more difficult for the enemy to subsist their army. Robertson. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • subsist — ► VERB 1) maintain or support oneself, especially at a minimal level. 2) chiefly Law remain in being, force, or effect. 3) (subsist in) be attributable to. ORIGIN Latin subsistere stand firm …   English terms dictionary

  • subsist — I verb abide, be, be nurtured, be supported, be sustained, constare, continue, endure, esse, exist, go on, hold on, last, live, maintain, outlast, outlive, perdure, persist, prevail, remain, remain alive, stand fast, stay, stay alive, survive II… …   Law dictionary

  • subsist of — index contain (comprise) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • subsist — (v.) 1540s, to exist, from L. subsistere to stand still or firm, (see SUBSISTENCE (Cf. subsistence)). Meaning to support oneself (in a certain way) is from 1640s. Related: Subsisted; subsisting …   Etymology dictionary

  • subsist — *exist, live, *be …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • subsist — [v] keep going, living barely exist*, be, breathe, continue, eke out a living*, eke out an existence*, endure, exist, get along*, get by*, hang in*, hang on*, hang tough*, just make it*, last, live, make ends meet*, make it*, manage, move, remain …   New thesaurus

  • subsist — [səb sist′] vi. [L subsistere, to stand still, stay, abide < sub , under + sistere, to place, stand, redupl. of base of stare, to STAND] 1. a) to continue to be or exist; have existence as a reality, entity, etc. b) to continue to be in use,… …   English World dictionary

  • subsist — UK [səbˈsɪst] / US verb [intransitive] Word forms subsist : present tense I/you/we/they subsist he/she/it subsists present participle subsisting past tense subsisted past participle subsisted 1) to stay alive when you do not have much food or… …   English dictionary

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