stochastic sequence

stochastic sequence
мат. стохастическая последовательность

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stochastic sequence" в других словарях:

  • Stochastic approximation — methods are a family of iterative stochastic optimization algorithms that attempt to find zeroes or extrema of functions which cannot be computed directly, but only estimated via noisy observations. The first, and prototypical, algorithms of this …   Wikipedia

  • stochastic — [stō kas′tik, stəkas′tik] adj. [< Gr stochastikos, proceeding by guesswork, lit., skillful in aiming < stochazesthai, to aim at < stochos, a target: for IE base see STING] 1. of, pertaining to, or arising from chance; involving… …   English World dictionary

  • Stochastic process — A stochastic process, or sometimes random process, is the counterpart to a deterministic process (or deterministic system) in probability theory. Instead of dealing with only one possible reality of how the process might evolve under time (as is… …   Wikipedia

  • Stochastic context-free grammar — A stochastic context free grammar (SCFG; also probabilistic context free grammar, PCFG) is a context free grammar in which each production is augmented with a probability. The probability of a derivation (parse) is then the product of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Stochastic game — In game theory, a stochastic game is a dynamic, competitive game with probabilistic transitions played by one or more players. The game is played in a sequence of stages. At the beginning of each stage the game is in some state. The players… …   Wikipedia

  • stochastic process — In probability theory, a family of random variables indexed to some other set and having the property that for each finite subset of the index set, the collection of random variables indexed to it has a joint probability distribution. It is one… …   Universalium

  • stochastic — stochastically, adv. /steuh kas tik/, adj. Statistics. of or pertaining to a process involving a randomly determined sequence of observations each of which is considered as a sample of one element from a probability distribution. [1655 65; < Gk… …   Universalium

  • stochastic — sto•chas•tic [[t]stəˈkæs tɪk[/t]] adj. Statistics. sta of or pertaining to a process involving a randomly determined sequence of observations each of which is considered as a sample of one element from a probability distribution • Etymology:… …   From formal English to slang

  • stochastic — adj. 1 determined by a random distribution of probabilities. 2 (of a process) characterized by a sequence of random variables. 3 governed by the laws of probability. Derivatives: stochastically adv. Etymology: Gk stokhastikos f. stokhazomai aim… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Martingale difference sequence — In probability theory, a martingale difference sequence (MDS) is related to the concept of the martingale. A stochastic series Y is an MDS if its expectation with respect to past values of another stochastic series X is zero. Formally If Z is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Random sequence — A random sequence is a kind of stochastic process. In short, a random sequence is a sequence of random variables. Random sequences are essential in statistics. The statistical analysis of any experiment usually begins with the words let X 1,...,… …   Wikipedia

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