- stochastic semigroup
- мат. стохастическая полугруппа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
List of mathematics articles (S) — NOTOC S S duality S matrix S plane S transform S unit S.O.S. Mathematics SA subgroup Saccheri quadrilateral Sacks spiral Sacred geometry Saddle node bifurcation Saddle point Saddle surface Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics Safe prime Safe… … Wikipedia
Feller process — In mathematics, a Feller process is a particular kind of Markov process.DefinitionsLet X be a locally compact topological space with a countable base. Let C 0( X ) denote the space of all real valued continuous functions on X which vanish at… … Wikipedia
Dirac delta function — Schematic representation of the Dirac delta function by a line surmounted by an arrow. The height of the arrow is usually used to specify the value of any multiplicative constant, which will give the area under the function. The other convention… … Wikipedia
Ordinal optimization — In mathematical optimization, ordinal optimization is the maximization of functions taking values in a partially ordered set ( poset ). Ordinal optimization has applications in the theory of queuing networks. Contents 1 Mathematical foundations 1 … Wikipedia
Quantum decoherence — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle … Wikipedia
List of theorems — This is a list of theorems, by Wikipedia page. See also *list of fundamental theorems *list of lemmas *list of conjectures *list of inequalities *list of mathematical proofs *list of misnamed theorems *Existence theorem *Classification of finite… … Wikipedia
Ergodicity — For other uses, see Ergodic (disambiguation). In mathematics, the term ergodic is used to describe a dynamical system which, broadly speaking, has the same behavior averaged over time as averaged over space. In physics the term is used to imply… … Wikipedia
Ergodic theory — is a branch of mathematics that studies dynamical systems with an invariant measure and related problems. Its initial development was motivated by problems of statistical physics. A central concern of ergodic theory is the behavior of a dynamical … Wikipedia
Renormalization group — In theoretical physics, the renormalization group (RG) refers to a mathematical apparatus that allows systematic investigation of the changes of a physical system as viewed at different distance scales. In particle physics, it reflects the… … Wikipedia
Infinitesimal generator — In mathematics, the term infinitesimal generator may refer to:* an element of the Lie algebra associated to a Lie group; * the infinitesimal generator of a stochastic process; * the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous semigroup … Wikipedia
List of lemmas — This following is a list of lemmas (or, lemmata , i.e. minor theorems, or sometimes intermediate technical results factored out of proofs). See also list of axioms, list of theorems and list of conjectures. 0 to 9 *0/1 Sorting Lemma ( comparison… … Wikipedia