stochastic instability

stochastic instability
мат. стохастическая неустойчивость

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stochastic instability" в других словарях:

  • Somatic evolution in cancer — Somatic evolution is the accumulation of mutations in the cells of a body (the soma) during a lifetime, and the effects of those mutations on the fitness of those cells. Somatic evolution is important in the process of aging as well as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Chaos theory — This article is about chaos theory in Mathematics. For other uses of Chaos theory, see Chaos Theory (disambiguation). For other uses of Chaos, see Chaos (disambiguation). A plot of the Lorenz attractor for values r = 28, σ = 10, b = 8/3 …   Wikipedia

  • Kalman filter — Roles of the variables in the Kalman filter. (Larger image here) In statistics, the Kalman filter is a mathematical method named after Rudolf E. Kálmán. Its purpose is to use measurements observed over time, containing noise (random variations)… …   Wikipedia

  • Monte Carlo method — Not to be confused with Monte Carlo algorithm. Computational physics …   Wikipedia

  • Modern portfolio theory — Portfolio analysis redirects here. For theorems about the mean variance efficient frontier, see Mutual fund separation theorem. For non mean variance portfolio analysis, see Marginal conditional stochastic dominance. Modern portfolio theory (MPT) …   Wikipedia

  • Business cycle — Economics …   Wikipedia

  • T. V. S. R. Appa Rao — T.V.S.R. Appa Rao is a scientist from India. He is an Emeritus Scientist with over 40 years of experience in Research Development in the areas of structural analysis design, testing, and failure investigations including those due to natural… …   Wikipedia

  • Developmental noise — is a concept within developmental biology in which the phenotype varies between individuals even though both the genotypes and the environmental factors are the same for all of them.[1] Contributing factors include stochastic gene expression.[2]… …   Wikipedia

  • Actuarial science — are professionals who are qualified in this field through examinations and experience. Actuarial science includes a number of interrelating subjects, including probability and statistics, finance, and economics. Historically, actuarial science… …   Wikipedia

  • Abiogenesis — Primordial soup redirects here. For the board game, see Primordial Soup (board game). Origin of life redirects here. For views on the origins of life outside the natural sciences, see Creation myth. Pre Cambrian stromatolites in the Siyeh… …   Wikipedia

  • cosmos — /koz meuhs, mohs/, n., pl. cosmos, cosmoses for 2, 4. 1. the world or universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious system. 2. a complete, orderly, harmonious system. 3. order; harmony. 4. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, of tropical… …   Universalium

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