staggered order

staggered order
порядок в шахматном порядке

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "staggered order" в других словарях:

  • Staggered Board of Directors — A staggered board of directors occurs when a corporation elects its directors a few at a time, with different groups of directors having overlapping multi year terms, instead of en masse, with all directors having one year terms. Each group of… …   Wikipedia

  • Staggered board of directors — A staggered board of directors or classified board is a prominent practice in US corporate law governing the board of directors of a company, corporation, or other organization in which only a fraction (often one third) of the members of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Staggered junction — A staggered junction is a place where several roads meet a main road at a slight distance apart so that they do not all come together at the same point.Major single point traffic light controlled junctions of more than two roads are often… …   Wikipedia

  • order — orderable, adj. orderer, n. orderless, adj. /awr deuhr/, n. 1. an authoritative direction or instruction; command; mandate. 2. a command of a court or judge. 3. a command or notice issued by a military organization or a military commander to… …   Universalium

  • staggered board of directors — Occurs when a portion of directors are elected periodically, instead of all at once. Board terms are often staggered in order to thwart unfriendly takeover attempts, since potential acquirers would have to wait longer before they could take… …   Financial and business terms

  • stagger — staggerer, n. /stag euhr/, v.i. 1. to walk, move, or stand unsteadily. 2. to falter or begin to give way, as in an argument or fight. 3. to waver or begin to doubt, as in purpose or opinion; hesitate: After staggering momentarily, he recognized… …   Universalium

  • stagger — /ˈstægə / (say staguh) verb (i) 1. to walk, move, or stand unsteadily; sway. 2. to begin to doubt or waver, as in opinion; hesitate. –verb (t) 3. to cause to reel, totter, or become unsteady. 4. to shock; render helpless with amazement or the… …  

  • Brimstone missile — Infobox Weapon is missile=yes caption= name=Brimstone type=anti tank missile origin=UK era= launch platform=aircraft target= manufacturer=MBDA design date= production date= service=2005 used by= RAF wars= spec type= diameter= 17.8 cm wingspan=… …   Wikipedia

  • stagger — stag•ger [[t]ˈstæg ər[/t]] v. i. 1) to walk, move, or stand unsteadily 2) to falter or begin to give way, as in an argument 3) to waver or hesitate, as in purpose or resolve 4) to cause to reel, totter, or become unsteady 5) to astonish or shock …   From formal English to slang

  • Woodsball strategy — The term woodsball commander links here. Aside from command duties, woodsball commanders usually fulfill the combat position of rifleman. See Player positions (paintball) for more information. Woodsball strategy is the concept and application of… …   Wikipedia

  • hydrocarbon — hydrocarbonaceous, adj. /huy dreuh kahr beuhn, huy dreuh kahr /, n. any of a class of compounds containing only hydrogen and carbon, as an alkane, methane, CH4, an alkene, ethylene, C2H4, an alkyne, acetylene, C2H2, or an aromatic compound,… …   Universalium

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