
ˈsteɪdʒˌmænɪdʒ гл.
1) ставить (пьесу и т. п.)
2) быть распорядителем (на свадьбе и т. п.) ставить (пьесу, оперу) быть распорядителем (на свадьбе и т. п.) организовать, тщательно подготовить (мероприятие и т. п.) (закулисно) руководить работать помощником режиссера

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "stage-manage" в других словарях:

  • stage-manage — stage manages, stage managing, stage managed VERB (disapproval) If someone stage manages an event, they carefully organize and control it, rather than letting it happen in a natural way. [V n] Some radicals may oppose him in protest at the… …   English dictionary

  • stage-manage — [stāj′man΄ij] vt. stage managed, stage managing [back form. < STAGE MANAGER] 1. to serve as stage manager for 2. to arrange with dramatic effect, esp. as if from behind the scenes stage management n …   English World dictionary

  • stage-manage — ► VERB 1) be the stage manager of. 2) arrange carefully to create a certain effect. DERIVATIVES stage management noun …   English terms dictionary

  • stage-manage — v [T] to organize a public event, such as a meeting, in a way that will give you the result that you want often used to show disapproval ▪ The press conference was cleverly stage managed …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • stage-manage — stage ,manage verb 1. ) transitive to organize an event such as a political meeting or a protest, especially so that people s actions seem natural when, in fact, they are planned 2. ) intransitive or transitive to be a stage manager for a play or …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • stage-manage — UK / US verb Word forms stage manage : present tense I/you/we/they stage manage he/she/it stage manages present participle stage managing past tense stage managed past participle stage managed 1) [transitive] to organize an event such as a… …   English dictionary

  • stage-manage — stage′ man age v. aged, ag•ing 1) sbz to work as a stage manager for 2) to direct unobtrusively or in secret 3) sbz to work as a stage manager • Etymology: 1875–80 stage′ man ager, n …   From formal English to slang

  • stage-manage — /stayj man ij/, v., stage managed, stage managing. v.t. 1. to work as a stage manager for: When he wasn t acting, he stage managed a repertory theater. 2. to arrange or stage in order to produce a theatrical or spectacular effect: The clients… …   Universalium

  • stage-manage — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ transitive verb Etymology: back formation from stage manager 1. a. : to arrange or exhibit with an eye to striking effect prewar pageantry, pictorially beautiful and brilliantly stage managed Mollie Panter Downes b. : to arrange or …   Useful english dictionary

  • stage-manage — /ˈsteɪdʒ mænɪdʒ/ (say stayj manij) verb (t) (stage managed, stage managing) 1. to superintend the performance of (a play) and regulate the stage arrangements. 2. to contrive unobtrusively to produce (a particular response), as at a political… …  

  • stage-manage — transitive verb Etymology: back formation from stage manager Date: 1879 1. a. to arrange or exhibit so as to achieve a desired effect b. to arrange or direct from behind the scenes 2. to act as stage manager for • stage management noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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