
1. прил.
1) расположенный к юго-востоку
2) дующий с юго-востока
2. нареч. в юго-восточном направлении юго-восточный, расположенный к юго-востоку - * direction юго-восточное направление дующий с юго-востока (о ветре) (морское) зюйд-остовый в юго-восточном направлении, к юго-востоку с юго-востока, с зюйд-оста (о ветре)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "south-easterly" в других словарях:

  • south-easterly — ► ADJECTIVE & ADVERB ▪ in a south eastward position or direction. ► NOUN ▪ a wind blowing from the south east …   English terms dictionary

  • south-easterly — also south easterly 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A south easterly point, area, or direction is to the south east or towards the south east. 2) ADJ A south easterly wind is a wind that blows from the south east …   English dictionary

  • south-easterly — UK / US adjective a) towards or in the south east the south easterly parts of the UK b) a south easterly wind blows from the south east …   English dictionary

  • south easterly — see south easterly …   English dictionary

  • south-easterly — south eastˈerly adjective 1. Situated in the south east 2. Towards the south east 3. (esp of the wind) coming from the south east adverb 1. On the south east 2. Towards the south east 3. From the south east noun A south east wind • • • Main Entry …   Useful english dictionary

  • south-easterly — south east·er·ly || ‚saʊθ‚ɪːstlɪ from the southeast, of the southeast …   English contemporary dictionary

  • south-easterly — /saʊθ ˈistəli/ (say sowth eestuhlee) adjective 1. moving, directed, or situated towards the south east. 2. coming from the south east, as a wind. –adverb 3. towards the south east. 4. from the south east. –noun 5. a wind from the south east. Also …  

  • south-easterly — adjective & adverb in a south eastward position or direction. noun another term for southeaster …   English new terms dictionary

  • south — n., adj., adv., & v. n. 1 the point of the horizon 90° clockwise from east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. 4 (usu. the South) a the part of the world or a country or a town lying to the south. b the …   Useful english dictionary

  • South — n., adj., adv., & v. n. 1 the point of the horizon 90° clockwise from east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. 4 (usu. the South) a the part of the world or a country or a town lying to the south. b the …   Useful english dictionary

  • south-eastern — adjective a) Of, facing, situated in, or related to the south east b) (of a wind) blowing from the south east; south easterly …   Wiktionary

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