something short

something short

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "something short" в других словарях:

  • sell someone or something short — sell (someone or something) short : to put too low a value on the ability, importance, or quality of (someone or something) Don t sell yourself short. You have some great skills and experience. I think you re selling the book short; it s a lot… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sell something short — sell (someone/something) short to not appreciate the qualities of someone or something as much as they deserve. I think her presentation really sold Morocco short. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form sell yourself short not have reasonable… …   New idioms dictionary

  • cut something short — BREAK OFF, shorten, truncate, curtail, terminate, end, stop, abort, bring to an untimely end. → cut * * * cut something short phrase to make something last for less time than planned I’m sorry we had to cut our visit short. Thesaurus: to stop… …   Useful english dictionary

  • give something short shrift — give (someone/something) short shrift to give very little attention to someone or something, either because you are not interested in them or because you are annoyed with them. A planning application for a new nightclub in the town centre was… …   New idioms dictionary

  • short´en|er — short|en «SHR tuhn», transitive verb. 1. to make shorter; cut off: »to shorten the working day. The new highway shortens the trip. She has had all her dresses shortened. Envy and wrath shorten the life (Ecclesiasticus 30:24). 2. to make seem… …   Useful english dictionary

  • short|en — «SHR tuhn», transitive verb. 1. to make shorter; cut off: »to shorten the working day. The new highway shortens the trip. She has had all her dresses shortened. Envy and wrath shorten the life (Ecclesiasticus 30:24). 2. to make seem shorter:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cut someone/something short — interrupt someone or something; bring an abrupt or premature end to something said or done Peter cut him short rudely …   Useful english dictionary

  • short-circuit — short circuits, short circuiting, short circuited 1) V ERG If an electrical device short circuits, a wrong connection or damaged wire causes electricity to travel along the wrong route and damage the device. Carbon dust and oil build up in large… …   English dictionary

  • short cut — also short cut [ US ˈ. .] n 1.) a quicker and more direct way of getting somewhere than the usual one ▪ Carlos decided to take a short cut home. ▪ We were late for the game, but found a short cut through the fields. 2.) a quicker way of doing… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • cut something short — to make something last for less time than planned I m sorry we had to cut our visit short …   English dictionary

  • sell someone/something short — fail to recognize or state the true value of don t sell yourself short you ve got what it takes …   Useful english dictionary

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