something of
Смотреть что такое "something of" в других словарях:
Something — Single par The Beatles extrait de l’album Abbey Road Face A Something Face B Come Together Sortie … Wikipédia en Français
something — ► PRONOUN 1) an unspecified or unknown thing. 2) an unspecified or unknown amount or degree. ► ADVERB informal ▪ used for emphasis with a following adjective: my back hurts something terrible. ● quite (or really) something Cf. ↑really something … English terms dictionary
Something — Some thing, n. 1. Anything unknown, undetermined, or not specifically designated; a certain indefinite thing; an indeterminate or unknown event; an unspecified task, work, or thing. [1913 Webster] There is something in the wind. Shak. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Something — The Beatles Veröffentlichung 26. September 1969 Länge 3:01 Genre(s) Popsong Autor(en) George Harrison … Deutsch Wikipedia
something — [sum′thiŋ] pron. 1. a thing that is not definitely known, understood, or identified; some undetermined thing [something went wrong] 2. some thing or things, definite but unspecified [have something to eat] 3. a bit; a little [something over an… … English World dictionary
something is up — Something is amiss, something unusual or unexpected is happening or has happened • • • Main Entry: ↑up * * * something is up spoken phrase used for saying that something is wrong or something bad is happening It’s not like Sara to be so rude.… … Useful english dictionary
...Something to Be — Álbum de Rob Thomas Publicación 5 de abril de 2005 Género(s) Pop rock Rock Alternativo Duración 50:05 minutos … Wikipedia Español
Something — Some thing, adv. In some degree; somewhat; to some extent; at some distance. Shak. [1913 Webster] I something fear my father s wrath. Shak. [1913 Webster] We have something fairer play than a reasoner could have expected formerly. Burke. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Something to Do — «Something to Do» Canción de Depeche Mode Álbum Some Great Reward Publicación 24 de septiembre de 1984 … Wikipedia Español
...Something to Be — Something to Be est le premier album solo du chanteur de Matchbox 20 Rob Thomas. Cet album sorti dans les bacs en 2005. Il a commencé en première position du Billboard 200, détronant The Emancipation of Mimi de Mariah Carey. Ce fut la première … Wikipédia en Français
something — The practice, originating in AmE and now spreading to BrE, of adding something to a multiple of ten to denote an age range (most often but not exclusively thirty something) is a convenient informal device: • This comic strip collection chronicles … Modern English usage