- software management
- управление разработкой и сопровождением (системы) программного обеспечения
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Software quality — Contents 1 Motivation for Defining Software Quality 2 Definition 3 Alternative Approaches to Software Quality Defin … Wikipedia
Software bug — To report a MediaWiki error on Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Bug reports. A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result, or … Wikipedia
Software review — A software review is A process or meeting during which a software product is [examined by] project personnel, managers, users, customers, user representatives, or other interested parties for comment or approval .IEEE Std. 1028 1997, IEEE… … Wikipedia
Software Components OTA — SCOTA (Software Components Over The Air) is a term belonging to a market category called MSM (Mobile Software Management).SCOTA is a relatively new approach to Mobile Software Management that modularizes the entire software stack of a mobile… … Wikipedia
Management du système d'information — Le management du système d information (aussi appelé dans un sens plus restreint : informatique de gestion et parfois management de la performance) est une discipline du management regroupant l ensemble des connaissances, des techniques, et… … Wikipédia en Français
Software audit review — A software audit review, or software audit, is a type of software review in which one or more auditors who are not members of the software development organization conduct An independent examination of a software product, software process, or set … Wikipedia
Software-Architektur — Eine Softwarearchitektur ist eine der Architekturtypen in der Informatik und beschreibt die grundlegenden Komponenten und deren Zusammenspiel innerhalb eines Softwaresystems. Eine Definition von Helmut Balzert beschreibt den Begriff als „eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Software-Entwurf — Eine Softwarearchitektur ist eine der Architekturtypen in der Informatik und beschreibt die grundlegenden Komponenten und deren Zusammenspiel innerhalb eines Softwaresystems. Eine Definition von Helmut Balzert beschreibt den Begriff als „eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Software engineering — (SE) is the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software, and the study of these approaches; that is, the application of engineering to software.[1] It is the… … Wikipedia
Software product management — is the process of managing software that is built and served as a product as opposed to a serviceoftware productsA software product is typically a single application or suite of applications built by a software company to be used by *many*… … Wikipedia
Software development process — Activities and steps Requirements Specification … Wikipedia