snail's pace
Смотреть что такое "snail's pace" в других словарях:
snail's pace — snail s′ pace′ n. an extremely slow rate of progress • Etymology: 1400–50 snail′ paced , adj … From formal English to slang
snail's pace — noun Etymology: Middle English snayles pas : an excessively slow pace or rate of speed business is progressing at a snail s pace * * * an extremely slow rate: The work progresses at a snail s pace. [1400 50; late ME] * * * snail s pace noun A… … Useful english dictionary
snail's pace — {n.} A very slow movement forward. * /Time moved at a snail s pace before the holidays./ * /The donkey on which he was riding moved at a snail s pace./ … Dictionary of American idioms
snail's pace — {n.} A very slow movement forward. * /Time moved at a snail s pace before the holidays./ * /The donkey on which he was riding moved at a snail s pace./ … Dictionary of American idioms
snail's\ pace — noun A very slow movement forward. Time moved at a snail s pace before the holidays. The donkey on which he was riding moved at a snail s pace … Словарь американских идиом
snail's pace — an extremely slow rate: The work progresses at a snail s pace. [1400 50; late ME] * * * … Universalium
snail's pace — a very slow movement forward The cars on the highway moved at a snail s pace … Idioms and examples
snail's pace — noun A very slow pace. My grandmother drives her car at a snails pace. See Also: slow as molasses, slow as molasses in January, slow as a snail … Wiktionary
snail's pace — a very slow speed or rate of progress. → snail … English new terms dictionary
snail's pace — noun Date: 15th century an extremely slow pace … New Collegiate Dictionary
snail's pace — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A very slow rate of speed: crawl, creep. See FAST … English dictionary for students