snail mail
Смотреть что такое "snail mail" в других словарях:
Snail mail — or smail (from snail + mail) is a dysphemistic retronym named after the snail with its slow speed used to refer to letters and missives carried by conventional postal delivery services. The phrase refers to the lag time between dispatch of a… … Wikipedia
Snail-Mail — Snail|mail, Snail Mail [ sneɪlmeɪl ], die; , s [engl. snail mail, eigtl. = Schneckenpost, aus: snail = Schnecke u. mail = Post(sendung)] (oft scherzh.): herkömmliche, nicht elektronische Post. * * * Snail Mail [ sneɪlmeɪl], (auch:) Snail|mail,… … Universal-Lexikon
snail mail — ➔ mail1 * * * snail mail UK US noun [U] INFORMAL COMMUNICATIONS ► letters or messages that are sent by post rather than by email: by snail mail »Of the 30,000 votes received, only 1,000 came by snail mail … Financial and business terms
Snail-Mail — auch Snail|mail [ sneilmeil] die; , s <zu engl. snail »Schnecke« u. mail »Post(sendung)«> Bez. für die gegenüber der E Mail sehr langsame Briefpost; Schneckenpost … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
snail mail — snail′ mail n. cmp sts physical delivery of mail, as contrasted with electronic mail Also called s mail • Etymology: 1980–85 … From formal English to slang
Snail Mail — [dt. »Schneckenpost«], spöttische Bezeichnung für die gewöhnliche Briefpost, im Gegensatz zur elektronischen Post (E Mail) … Universal-Lexikon
snail mail — snail ,mail noun uncount COMPUTING letters that are sent by mail. This expression is used mainly by people writing e mails … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
snail mail — n [U] the system of sending letters by post, as opposed to using email used humorously … Dictionary of contemporary English
snail mail — ► NOUN informal ▪ the ordinary post as opposed to email … English terms dictionary
snail mail — noun any mail that is physically delivered by the postal service email is much faster than snail mail • Ant: ↑electronic mail, ↑e mail, ↑email • Hypernyms: ↑mail, ↑mail service, ↑postal service, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
snail-mail — n. post office mail; regular mail as opposed to electronic mail. (Refers to the slowness of regular mail in comparison to electronic mail or faxes.) □ I’ll send you the full text by snail mail. □ There are lots of color pictures in the article,… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions