smack one's lips
Смотреть что такое "smack one's lips" в других словарях:
smack one's lips — To bring the lips together and part them with a smacking noise, as an indication of relish • • • Main Entry: ↑lip … Useful english dictionary
smack one's lips — lick one s lips … English contemporary dictionary
smack one's lips — {v. phr.} To reveal an appetite for; show enjoyment of. * /Eleanor smacked her lips over the dessert of strawberries and whipped cream./ … Dictionary of American idioms
smack one's lips — {v. phr.} To reveal an appetite for; show enjoyment of. * /Eleanor smacked her lips over the dessert of strawberries and whipped cream./ … Dictionary of American idioms
smack\ one's\ lips — v. phr. To reveal an appetite for; show enjoyment of. Eleanor smacked her lips over the dessert of strawberries and whipped cream … Словарь американских идиом
smack one's lips — verb To indicate ones current or anticipated pleasure, as derived from food. See Also: lip smacking, lip smackingly … Wiktionary
lick one's lips — To look forward, or (archaic) to recall, with pleasure • • • Main Entry: ↑lick * * * I lick one s lips (or chops) look forward to something with eager anticipation II lick (or smack) one s lips look forward to something with relish; show one s… … Useful english dictionary
smack/lick one's lips — To say that a person is smacking or licking their lips means that they are showing that they are excited about something and are eager for it to happen. They were smacking their lips at the idea of the money they were going to make … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
smack or lick one's lips — idi to indicate one s keen enjoyment or anticipation … From formal English to slang
smack — Ⅰ. smack [1] ► NOUN 1) a sharp blow given with the palm of the hand. 2) a loud, sharp sound made by such a blow. 3) a loud kiss. ► VERB 1) hit with a smack. 2) smash, drive, or put forcefully into or o … English terms dictionary
smack — smack1 noun 1》 a sharp blow or slap, typically one given with the palm of the hand. ↘a loud, sharp sound made by or as by such a blow. 2》 a loud kiss. verb 1》 hit with a smack. 2》 smash, drive, or put forcefully into or on to something. 3》… … English new terms dictionary