Смотреть что такое "slurping" в других словарях:
slurping — slÉœrp /slÉœËp n. noisy sip, loud sucking noise (made especially while eating or drinking) v. make slurping sounds, take noisy sips, eat or drink with loud sucking sounds … English contemporary dictionary
pod slurping — n. The theft of corporate data by installing special software on an iPod or similar device and then connecting that device to a computer or network. Also: podslurping. pod slurp v. pod slurper n. Example Citations: Pod slurping refers to the use… … New words
Pod slurping — is the act of using a portable data storage device such as an iPod digital audio player to illicitly download large quantities of confidential data by directly plugging it into a computer where the data is held, and which may be on the inside of… … Wikipedia
IPod slurping — Podslurping (dt. etwa (i)Pod schlürfen) bezeichnet den Diebstahl von Daten mit Hilfe eines mobilen Massenspeichergeräts wie z.B. einem USB Stick, MP3 Player oder einem iPod. Hierbei installiert der Täter eine spezielle Software auf dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pod slurping — Podslurping (dt. etwa (i)Pod schlürfen) bezeichnet den Diebstahl von Daten mit Hilfe eines mobilen Massenspeichergeräts wie z.B. einem USB Stick, MP3 Player oder einem iPod. Hierbei installiert der Täter eine spezielle Software auf dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pod slurping — noun The illicit copying of data from an unattended personal computer by plugging in a portable storage device … Wiktionary
pod slurping — /ˈpɒd slɜpɪŋ/ (say pod slerping) noun the downloading of large quantities of data to an MP3 player, USB drive, etc., from a computer, especially when done illegally after gaining unauthorised access to a computer. –pod slurper, noun …
Table manners — Part of a series on Meals … Wikipedia
Zapf Creation — is a toy company based in Coburg, Germany which specialises in dolls for girls. Its franchises have become very popular around the world; among its successes are Baby Born[1] and Anabell.[2] Contents 1 Products … Wikipedia
Mentos — A number of different Mentos flavors Mentos is a brand of mints, of the scotch mint type, sold in many markets across the world by the Perfetti Van Melle corporation. Mentos was first produced in the Netherlands during the 1950s. The mints are… … Wikipedia
Pingu episodes series 5 — This is an list of episodes with synopses for series 5 of the stop motion animated television series Pingu . =Series 1 (1986 1991)= =Series 2 (1991 1994)= =Series 3 (1994 1996)= =Series 4 (1998)= =Series 5 (2004)= Pingu s Bouncy Fun:Alternative… … Wikipedia