

1. гл. хлюпать, чавкать Syn : champ, smack one's lips
2. сущ. хлюпание, чавкание хлебать;
заглатывать (напитки и т. п.) ;
чавкать - he *ed down too much scotch он насосался виски

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "slurp" в других словарях:

  • slurp´er — slurp «slurp», verb, noun. U.S. Slang. –v.i. to eat or drink something with a noisy gurgling sound: »I never slurp, nor gobble as if I m starving (Wall Street Journal). –v.t. to eat or drink in this manner. –n. a slurping or gurgling sound: »...… …   Useful english dictionary

  • slurp — fonosimb. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} spec. nel linguaggio dei fumetti, voce che riproduce il rumore di chi mangia o beve con ingordigia, o il verso di chi pregusta avidamente qcs. di succulento; anche s.m.inv. {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1968. ETIMO:… …   Dizionario italiano

  • slurp — [slə:p US slə:rp] v [I and T] [Date: 1600 1700; : Dutch; Origin: slurpen, probably from the sound] to drink a liquid while making a noisy sucking sound >slurp n [C usually singular] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • slurp — [ slɜrp ] verb intransitive or transitive to make loud sucking noises as you drink something ╾ slurp noun count …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • slurp — [slʉrp] vt., vi. [Du slurpen, to sip, lap, akin to Ger schlürfen; prob. ult. < IE echoic base * serbh , to slurp > L sorbere, to suck in] Slang to drink or eat noisily n. Slang a loud sipping or sucking sound …   English World dictionary

  • slurp — 1640s, from Du. slurpen, perhaps of imitative origin (Cf. Ger. schlurfen). Related: Slurped; slurping. The noun is first recorded 1949 …   Etymology dictionary

  • slurp — ► VERB ▪ eat or drink with a loud sucking sound. ► NOUN ▪ an act or sound of slurping. ORIGIN Dutch slurpen …   English terms dictionary

  • slurp — UK [slɜː(r)p] / US [slɜrp] verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms slurp : present tense I/you/we/they slurp he/she/it slurps present participle slurping past tense slurped past participle slurped to make loud sucking noises as you drink… …   English dictionary

  • slurp — [[t]slɜ͟ː(r)p[/t]] slurps, slurping, slurped 1) VERB If you slurp a liquid, you drink it noisily. [V n from/off n] He blew on his soup before slurping it off the spoon... [V adv n] He slurped down a cup of sweet, black coffee. [Also V n, V] 2) N… …   English dictionary

  • slurp — verb (I, T) to drink a liquid while making a noisy sucking sound: Don t slurp your soup! slurp noun (countable usually singular): He drank his coffee with a slurp …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • slurp — verb Etymology: Dutch slurpen; akin to Middle Low German slorpen to slurp Date: 1648 intransitive verb to make a sucking noise while eating or drinking transitive verb to eat or drink noisily or with a sucking sound • slurp noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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