- slipshod work
- недобросовестный труд, плохо выполненная работа, халтура Syn : shoddy work, sloppy work
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
slipshod — adj Slipshod, slovenly, unkempt, disheveled, sloppy are comparable when applied to persons and their appearance or to their mental and manual processes, performances, or products, and mean manifesting conspicuous negligence or carelessness.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
slipshod — slipshodness, slipshoddiness, n. /slip shod /, adj. 1. careless, untidy, or slovenly: slipshod work. 2. down at heel; seedy; shabby. 3. Archaic. wearing slippers or loose shoes, esp. ones worn at the heel. [1570 80; SLIP1 + SHOD] Syn. 1. loose,… … Universalium
slipshod — slip•shod [[t]ˈslɪpˌʃɒd[/t]] adj. 1) careless, untidy, or slovenly: slipshod work[/ex] 2) down at heel; seedy; shabby • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang
work — I n. labor 1) to do work (they never do any work) 2) to begin; quit, stop work (they quit work at one o clock) 3) to take on work 4) to undo smb. s work 5) backbreaking, hard; delicate; demanding; dirty, scut; easy, light; exhausting, tiring;… … Combinatory dictionary
slipshod — slip|shod [ˈslıpʃɔd US ʃa:d] adj [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: slipshod wearing loose shoes (16 19 centuries)] done too quickly and carelessly used to show disapproval = ↑slapdash ▪ a slipshod piece of work … Dictionary of contemporary English
slipshod — adjective done too quickly and carelessly: a slipshod piece of work … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
slipshod — adj. 1 (of speech or writing, a speaker or writer, a method of work, etc.) careless, unsystematic; loose in arrangement. 2 slovenly. 3 having shoes down at heel … Useful english dictionary
slip´shod´ness — slip|shod «SLIHP SHOD», adjective. 1. careless, as in dress, habits, or speech; untidy; slovenly: »a slipshod performance, slipshod work. Slipshod handling once the packages reach the grocery can reduce even the finest brand to a sorry and… … Useful english dictionary
slip|shod — «SLIHP SHOD», adjective. 1. careless, as in dress, habits, or speech; untidy; slovenly: »a slipshod performance, slipshod work. Slipshod handling once the packages reach the grocery can reduce even the finest brand to a sorry and sometimes… … Useful english dictionary
Charlotte Mason — For the American philanthropist and socialite see Charlotte Osgood Mason. Charlotte Maria Shaw Mason Born 1 January 1842 Bangor, Gwynedd Died 16 January 1923(1923 01 16) (aged 81) … Wikipedia
coal — coalless, adj. /kohl/, n. 1. a black or dark brown combustible mineral substance consisting of carbonized vegetable matter, used as a fuel. Cf. anthracite, bituminous coal, lignite. 2. a piece of glowing, charred, or burned wood or other… … Universalium