slipshod — adj Slipshod, slovenly, unkempt, disheveled, sloppy are comparable when applied to persons and their appearance or to their mental and manual processes, performances, or products, and mean manifesting conspicuous negligence or carelessness.… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Slipshod — Slip shod , a. 1. Wearing shoes or slippers down at the heel. [1913 Webster] The shivering urchin bending as he goes, With slipshod heels. Cowper. [1913 Webster] 2. Figuratively: Careless in dress, manners, style, etc.; slovenly; shuffling; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
slipshod — [slip′shäd΄] adj. [ SLIP1 + SHOD < dial. or obs. slip shoe, slipper] 1. wearing shoes with worn down heels 2. careless, as in appearance or workmanship [a slipshod job] … English World dictionary
slipshod — I adjective careless, disordered, disorderly, disorganized, haphazard, heedless, imprecise, improper, inaccurate, indifferent, inexact, lackadaisical, lax, negligent, offhand, orderless, poor, remiss, shabby, sloppy, slovenly, thoughtless,… … Law dictionary
slipshod — 1570s, wearing slippers or loose shoes, from SLIP (Cf. slip) (v.) + SHOD (Cf. shod) wearing shoes. Sense of slovenly, careless is from 1815 … Etymology dictionary
slipshod — [adj] careless; not well done bedraggled, botched*, disheveled, faulty, flyby night*, fouled up*, haphazard, imperfect, inaccurate, inexact, junky*, loose, messedup, messy, neglected, negligent, raunchy, screwed up*, scrubby*, scruffy*, shabby*,… … New thesaurus
slipshod — ► ADJECTIVE 1) lacking in care, thought, or organization. 2) archaic (of shoes) worn down at the heel … English terms dictionary
slipshod — slip|shod [ˈslıpʃɔd US ʃa:d] adj [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: slipshod wearing loose shoes (16 19 centuries)] done too quickly and carelessly used to show disapproval = ↑slapdash ▪ a slipshod piece of work … Dictionary of contemporary English
slipshod — [[t]slɪ̱pʃɒd[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If something is slipshod, it has been done in a careless way. The hotel had always been run in a slipshod way. Syn: careless … English dictionary
slipshod — slipshodness, slipshoddiness, n. /slip shod /, adj. 1. careless, untidy, or slovenly: slipshod work. 2. down at heel; seedy; shabby. 3. Archaic. wearing slippers or loose shoes, esp. ones worn at the heel. [1570 80; SLIP1 + SHOD] Syn. 1. loose,… … Universalium
slipshod — adjective /ˈslɪp.ʃɒd,ˈslɪp.ʃɑd/ Done poorly or too quickly; slapdash. Surely there is not another language that is so slipshod and systemless, and so slippery and elusive to the grasp … Wiktionary